
SuperCauldrons is an extremely simple plugin I created to solve two problems:

  1. Unlimited water sources have to be created with what really just amounts to an abuse of the engine's water physics.
  2. Cauldrons are basically useless, as they're just a development leftover from potion brewing before it was replaced with the Brewing Stand.

SuperCauldrons (IMHO) solves both these problems by making Cauldrons infinite water sources. Just pour water into the cauldron, and you have an unlimited source of water for both buckets and bottles.


  • Cauldrons are infinite water sources once filled with water.
  • You can fill multiple stacked empty bottles at once with water. As filled bottles don't stack, any excess bottles will be dropped on the ground.
  • Water flowing over the top of a cauldron will fill the cauldron.
  • Redstone power applied to a cauldron with water will eject the water out of the top. When unpowered, the water will go back into the cauldron.


Download SuperCauldrons 1.2.4! Download the source code on GitHub! (Licensed under Apache License 2.0.)


    infinite: true
        # set to "true" for infinite filling of buckets and bottles; "bottles" for infinite bottles only; "false" for no infinite filling
    flow-fill: true
        # when set to "true", flowing water over the top of the cauldron will fill it.
    redstone: true
        # when set to "true", cauldrons will expel their contents while powered by a redstone signal.



Version 1.2.4

  • "Semi-infinite" mode added that lets Cauldrons now act like regular water source blocks (infinite bottles, non-infinite buckets).

Version 1.2.3

  • Fixed extra stacked buckets being deleted when you filled them from a Cauldron.

Version 1.2.2

  • Removed all deprecated Bukkit code (so it is now safe for 1.1-R5!)

Version 1.2.1

  • Fixed massive bug introduced in 1.2.0 that allowed for infinite glass bottles to be filled from a cauldron. Sorry!!

Version 1.2.0

  • Added configuration (enable/disable the infinite water, redstone, and waterflow-filling features individually).
  • Added /screload command to reload config (permission supercauldrons.reload).
  • Changed bottle-filling behavior - right-clicking with a stack of bottles fills one at a time, and stops working when your inventory is full.
  • Updated for Bukkit for Minecraft 1.1.

Version 1.1.0

  • Added water-flow filling.
  • Added redstone support.

Version 1.0.0

  • Initial release.

If you like this plugin, please consider making a donation. It helps me get by and is greatly appreciated.


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