Super Masks will be a plugin that lets players use the " heads / skulls " that were added in minecraft 1.4 to gain special skills and abilities when wearing them!!!
This will add a fun roleplaying feature to your server, allowing players to have convenient uses for their "masks" that they find during their exploration of the world!
I was originally thinking of making the plugin for my server only, but if it did become popular (And I'm hoping it will) there would probably pop up a bunch of different plugins around bukkit which would all do the same thing! So my aim is to release this to the general public so everyone can enjoy using it, because even if I didn't release it, I am sure someone else would have.
Creation Status
Yes, that's right. Unfortunately this plugin does not even exist yet.
Waiting for Bukkit 1.4 to come out... (Yay! Bukkit 1.4.2 dev build is out!)
Waiting for my friend (Who's pro at java) to finish updating & releasing the next version of his plugin to help with this one :)
Learning new code to create the planned features
Brainstorming ideas...
Planned Features
None of these features are set in stone, and I am open to suggestions!!! Format:
Feature | Story Behind it Benefit/change in game play to the character
Permission Support | Every good server has permissions! Only want donators to be able to use a certain type of mask? Restrict mask usage to certain groups
"Skeleton" Mask | Skeletons are made of bones right? That means they don't have lungs right? You no longer take "drowning" damage!
"Whither Skeleton" Mask | These guys are made of something special... they can see in the dark... Night vision! See in the dark!
"Zombie" Mask | Rotten flesh? Food poisoning? Who cares! You're already a lump of walking flesh! Immunity to food poisoning and poison effects
"Creeper" Mask | There's only one way out in your book!!! Explosion style!!! Upon death, you cause a TnT explosion at your location!
Explosion Griefing | Don't want your "Creeper" Mask users to destroy blocks upon death? Optional configuration as to allow block destruction!*
Mask Renaming | Uses the new "naming" feature to name the masks! XD
My Other Plugins!
Webister (Let your players know about your website and forums!!!) - Click Me
When this plugin has been release?
@TanusW But be careful this is beta.
Can you make a dev build for test it?
Already been release but its in development
Nice idea! I will try to use this on my server when it 1.4.2 comes out.
Tanus, CraftBukkit 1.4.2 has not been released yet. There are a bunch of servers out there that say that they are running it, but in fact they are just running a modified version of 1.3.2 ... The consequences of this might not be easy to see, but I am sure those servers have already found out that some of their plugins are not functioning properly.
Umm... What date CraftBukkit 1.4.2 has been release?