Note: In development stages...
StrikerPlg contains commands filled with fun and admin tools for your Bukkit server. Test your luck on some commands or just go crazy with odd and bizarre commands...
Current Commands & Features
/StrikerPlg Shows All Commands
/Luck Tests your luck on a 1 in 7 chance to get either "extremely bad luck,very bad luck, unlucky, lucky, very lucky, extremely lucky". All with their little surprise!
/Please? Currently gives you a Diamond Ore x1 and a message related o the anime No Game No life. ( I consider Watching it. Much Logic and awesomeness. )
/allahuakbar Erm.. find out for yourself!
Login shows a "+" before the players name.
Future Versions/Updates
/Agility [speed] [time] ( default is 2 )
ADVANCED: SPICE Allow the executor to change configuration values. NOTE: a reload is required to apply changes.