

A Strategy Game... in Minecraft!

I didnt work on this for 6 months or so due to a severe case of lack-of-time sickness. However, i have completely re-written the entire thing and i got much farther this time, and i will release it all as version 0.1 once i have it borderline functional.It is designed around buildings which are programmed for StrategyCraft much as StrategyCraft is programmed for Bukkit, so if anyone is interested in programming those pieces i will be looking for someone to help with those.

As of this point, everything i have said below this line is invalid, and i am rebuilding everything from the ground up. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

This is a plugin that will add functionality to Minecraft to allow you to play a form of the typical RTS 3rd person strategy game (such as Age of Empires, with full unit control and the ability to build pre-designed buildings). I eventually plan on adding an API to make it easily expanded upon and versatile.

This is still in the very early stages of development. If you are interested in helping out, message me.


Version 0.0.5 should be out soon. It has been decided to wait until buildings are fully... buildable... before this will come out.


1. Download the StrategyCraft.jar, and place it in your plugins folder.

2. Start the server. The plugin will fail to start due to lack of building files, but will automatically create the appropriate folders.

3. Stop the server.

4. Download all the buildings you want and place the files in the 'buildings' folder.

5. Start the server.

6. Got to and download the default building set. Unpack, and copy into /plugins/strategycraft/buildings

7. Restart the server!

Source can be found at

See this for the original thread request.

This is still a work in progress, and all uploads will have will be updated code with little you can actually see.

This is all i have to write at the moment. As i figure out how the other steps will work i will continue adding more advanced descriptions.

If you are interested in helping out, message me.

todo List

  • Correct building and unit storage using mysql.
  • Commands
  • Correct building construction/destruction
  • Unit creation
  • resource production


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Oct 6, 2011
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