What does sTPA do?
sTPA is a very simple plugin designed for easy-going servers. This plugin is used to teleport to other players with a formal request. The player you have sent to teleport to is incharge of the teleportation. They can either accept it, or deny it.
sTPA has a config located in plugins/sTPA/config.yml for a cool-down so you don't abuse it and spam the other player.
Simply drop sTPA.jar in your plugins folder and reload or reboot your server! You can config it however you wish.
/tpa <playername> | This sends a teleport request to the specific player. /tphere <playername> | Sends a teleport request so a player can teleport to you. /tpaccept | Accepts the teleport request and teleports the player to you. /tpdeny | Deny's the teleport request a player sends you.
Permission Nodes
sTPA.Use Gives all of the permissions to the plugin. (Default)
sTPA.Use.tpa | Permission to send a teleport request. sTPA.Use.tphere | Permission to teleport others to you with a request. sTPA.Use.tpaccept | Permission to accept others teleportation request. sTPA.Use.tpdeny | Permission to deny others teleport request.
Thank you for using sTPA by ShadowRaidNET!
Nice plugin :) Keep up!!!