
Ever bored with the vanilla weather? Storm is a plugin that adds a whole new range of weather mechanics to Bukkit servers.



  • Acid Rain: Green rain, which damages players and animals, as well as deteriorates blocks. Turn a 'grey day' into a 'radioactive-green' day!
  • Blizzards: Makes snow a real threat! Players and entities caught outside during a blizzard will experience snow acting as slow sand, limited visibility, and cold damage, so long as they are not inside or near a heating block.
  • Thunder Storms: If supercharged creepers were not already a threat, how will your players react to hordes of zombie pigmen? Thunder storms are massive discharges of lightning over a short period of time, in which players will be hard-pressed to survive.
  • Meteors: Fireballs trailed by explosions, burrowing in the ground, and flattening all entities in their path. Players who survive, however, can delight themselves with the ores the meteor leaves behind.
  • Wildfires: We can all safely say vanilla fires are boring. To spice up the game, we've added wildfires; a naturally occurring event in which entire forests will be devoured by fire with pre-1.6B physics.
  • Earthquakes: With massive rifts opening up, screens shaking, and blocks flying about, Storm earthquakes will be an experience for your players to remember. Seems to be bugging in Version2.3
  • Volcanoes: Large mounds of lava spurting out of the ground, explosions and flying lava bombs. Fun, fun, fun. Seems to be bugging in Version2.3

Getting started with Storm

If you are a visual learner, this video by WoopaGaming is for you! Some information is outdated, but the gist remains the same.

You can gain some more in-depth information from this "Curse Minecraft Spotlight" on Storm, as it presents most of the features of Storm in a nice format. Thanks to Xenius01 of Curse for this one!

Storm has a command for all its weather types:

/acidrain/<command> [world]storm.acidrain.commandStarts acid rain in specified world.
/blizzard/<command> [world]storm.blizzard.commandStarts a blizzard in specified world.
/thunderstorm/<command> [world]storm.thunderstorm.commandStarts a thunder storm in specified world.
/wildfire/<command> [world]storm.wildfire.commandStarts a wildfire where player is looking at.
/meteor/<command> [world]storm.meteor.commandSpawns a meteor and targets the block the player is looking at.
/volcano/<command> [world]storm.volcano.commandSpawns a volcano at the targeted block.
/earthquake/<command> [world]storm.earthquake.commandSpawns a earthquake at the targeted block.
/cracks/<command> [world]storm.earthquake.commandSpawns a crevice at the targeted block.

And immunity permissions from their associated weathers:

Acid Rain Damagestorm.acidrain.immunePrevents damage from acid rain.
Blizzard Damagestorm.blizzard.immunePrevents damage from blizzards.
Lightning Attractionstorm.lightning.immunePrevents extra damage from lightning & lightning attraction.
Meteor Damagestorm.meteor.immunePrevents damage from meteor shockwaves.

If Storm doesn't load, first, make sure that you are running a compatible build of Storm. For example, 0.1.2 will run only on Bukkit 1.4.6, while 0.1.2 R1 will only run on 1.4.7. You can see the supported versions in the Files menu. If that doesn't work or Storm throws exceptions, leave a ticket.

When asking for support...

...please answer the following questions: they help us get back to you quicker and consequently address any issues faster.

  • What Storm version are you running? Be specific.
  • What server implementation are you running (usually CraftBukkit)?
  • What Minecraft version are you running?
  • What is the issue you are experiencing?
  • Provide a traceback, if the issue is a crash and a log is available.

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