Storage Cards
- This plugin basically will allow you to make a storage card (Like a computer hard drive) that you can travel with and store lots of goodies in it like a second inventory. This plugin has CUSTOM crafting recipes which are not to expensive. Try this out and we hope you enjoy it...
- /sc: Plugin main screen
- /sc help: Help on the plugin commands
- /sc info: Info on this plugin
- There is no config.yml. We hope to have one in the future!
- There are no permissions for this plugin so far.
- First you need to start off by making a storage segment by placing a Lapis_Block in the middle of a crafting table and Coal_Blocks all around the Lapis_Block. Next you need to use the storage segment to create the main storage card. To do this put the storage segment in the middle of the crafting table, redstone on the left and right of the storage card, 3 Iron_Ingots at the bottom, and 2 glass at the top. If you do all of this correctly you should have a storage card... Good luck
- Configureable crafting
- More commands
- Economy
- Iron, Gold, Diamond, and Emerald storage cards
- Config
Authors server IP
Looks good! Cant wait to see what it becomes! I have got one suggestion, though, Could (when you click the storage segment) open up a chest that has 3 lines of storage, then the iron has 4, the gold has 5, the diamond has 6 and the emerald has 7. You could configure the title it has when you open the segment with colour codes as well! Thankz for reading and will definately download once its ready!