StoneDrop v1.8.0
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UploadedAug 7, 2020
Size57.81 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.16
- 1.15
- 1.14
- 1.13
- 1.12
- 1.11
- 1.10
- 1.9
- 1.8.1
- 1.8
- 1.8.3
# Changelog:
- Added support for minecraft 1.16.1
- You can now disable drop from ores in plugin config
- Plugin can now drop items directly into players inventory instead of dropping it on the ground *(specified in config)*
# Here's how you can change newly added settings:
1. In plugins folder find StoneDrop plugin
2. Open config.yml file
3. Now respectively, depending on what you want to do:
- To disable drop from ores find `ore-drop: true` and set the value to: false
- To enable dropping to inventory find `drop-to-inventory: false` and set it to: true
**That's how its supposed to look like:**