

Release page for Japanese is here.


The players can launch the ender pearl as stinger missiles after install this plugin.

Hold missile launcher in hand,

  1. Keep clicking the right button, targeting MOB or other players by cursor,
  2. Release the right button, launch missile toward to the targeted objects.

screen shot

How to use

Please use CraftBukkit 1.7.2-R0.3 or later version!

Put "StingerMissile.jar" in plugins folder.

To get the missile launcher,

  • Run commands: "/stinger get" to get the launcher in your inventory. "/stinger give (player)" to give the launcher to other player inventory.
  • Crafting gold hoe and ender pearl. recipe


Command is /stinger. Sub commands are as follows:

  • /stinger get - get new stinger launcher.
  • /stinger give (player) - give new stinger launcher.
  • /stinger reload - reload configuration file.


Permissions are as follows:

  • stinger.command - Permission to do all of '/stinger' command. Default assign to Everyone.
  • stinger.get - Permission to do '/stinger get' command. Default assign to OP .
  • stinger.give - Permission to do '/stinger give' command. Default assign to OP.
  • stinger.reload - Permission to do '/stinger reload' command. Default assign to OP.
  • stinger.action - Permission to use stinger launcher. Default assign to Everyone.
  • stinger.* - All of stinger permissions.


You can configuration stinger missile by editing "plugins/StingerMissile/config.yml".

# StingerMissile v1.2.9
# @author     ucchy
# @license    LGPLv3
# @copyright  Copyright ucchy 2014

# ------------------------- Configuration -------------------------

# Max targeting distance.
targetingRange: 40

# Targeting cursole width.
targetingWidth: 2.5

# Max targeting numbers.
maxTargetNum: 5

# Missile acceleration speed.
missileAccelSpeed: 0.4

# Missile maximum speed.
missileMaxSpeed: 2.0

# Explosion power.
explosionPower: 3

# Explosion damage amount.
explosionDamage: 3.0

# Material of launcher. Default is 'GOLD_HOE'
launcherMaterial: 'GOLD_HOE'

# Missile launcher item display name.
launcherDisplayName: '&9&lStinger'

# Infinite Missile Mode.
# If false, an ender pearl will be consumed by launching each missiles.
infiniteMissileMode: true

# If true, launcher can target to MOBs.
targetingToMob: true

# If true, launcher can target to other players.
targetingToPlayer: true

# If true, launcher can target to vechicles (minecart and boat).
targetingToVehicle: true

# If true, launcher can target to ender crystal.
targetingToEnderCrystal: true

# Material of consumed item per launching missile. Default is 'ENDER_PEARL'
consumeMissileMaterial: 'ENDER_PEARL'

# You can set the delay cycles it takes a while to run the lock-on,
#   when you hold clicking on the target.
# 1 cycle is 5 ticks.
# For example, if you set "lockonDelayCycle: 4",
#   the target is locked on to one seconds after the cursor by clicking.
lockonDelayCycle: 0

# When the missile landed, whether to ignite the block of the explosion range.
setFire: false

# When the missile landed, whether to destroy the block of the explosion range.
breakBlocks: false

# ------------------------- Messages -------------------------

messageTargetCandidate: '&7target candidate: %name,  distance: %distance'
messageTargetted: '&6targeted %name. (%num/%max)'
messageEmptyMissile: '&cYou don''t have missile(%material) !'

# The following messages for Bukkit 1.8 or later.
messageWarning: '&c&n<<WARNING>>'
messageWarningMissileInbound: '&c&n<<WARNING MISSILE INBOUND>>'

# ------------------------- Sound -------------------------

soundLockonDelay: 'NOTE_PLING-0.5-1'
soundLockonTarget: 'ORB_PICKUP-1-1'
soundNoneTarget: 'IRONGOLEM_THROW-1-1.5'
soundLaunching: 'NOTE_BASS_DRUM-1-1,SILVERFISH_HIT-0.5-0,CHEST_CLOSE-1-1.8'
soundWarning: 'NOTE_PLING-1-0.5,ZOMBIE_UNFECT-0.7-2'
soundWarningMissileInbound: 'NOTE_PLING-1-0.5,ZOMBIE_UNFECT-0.7-2'

Source Codes

Source codes managed in Github.

These codes licensed under LGPLv3.


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