Item Sub ID's #89

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to _ForgeUser6869524
  • Iomega0318 created this issue Aug 20, 2012

    What is the enhancement in mind? How should it look and feel?
    Some blocks, at least on my server use the same ID, for example:
    998:1 & 998:2
    Copper Ore and Tin Ore

    I believe Wool does the same thing, but with wool it's all wool just different colors so it doesn't matter as much....

    Please provide any additional information below.
    Is there a way to have the plugin tell they are different and list each one separately in the database?
    This might require a database change as well since you would have to add a new column and also a small change to the web portal to tell it which is which.. just a suggestion, not a big deal but it is annoying because all of the items that use the same ID are listed as one item..

  • Iomega0318 added the tags New Enhancment Aug 20, 2012

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