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  • Uploaded
    Jun 9, 2012
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    90.75 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.2.5-R2.0


->LightSaber now glowing is now in config.
->/SW or /Starwars added more help.
->Completly Re-Writen R2 code so it is very efficient and almost never dies. You will lose him if you reload the server though. The way not to lose him is to exit and reload from console

->LightSaber now glows in the dark when holding it.
->/SW or /Starwars spawns a helpful "droid" and provides help for that user
->Fixed crafting permissions
->Sorted some more R2 bugs
-> Lightsaber Throw
-> Bit of programming Which leads to... THE Millenium Falcon

->LightSaber(Enchanted sword(level 100 sharpness))-Cafting below.
...........->You can block attacks with the LightSaber for 5 seconds(including other LightSabers).
-> BlasterRifle(Enchanted bow(Level 100 power and infinity arrows))-Crafting below.
->Force-see bottom for how to use...Lightning,grip, push, choke, mind trick, jump and speed
..........-> Added Force boots for jump and speed. See crafting.
-> Permissions
-> Jmaxchill joined the team
-> R2-D2-see below for more information -Added X-wing-Added gravity!!!

->LightSaber(Enchanted sword(level 100 sharpness))-Cafting below.
...........->You can block attacks with the LightSaber for 5 seconds(including other LightSabers).
-> BlasterRifle(Enchanted bow(Level 100 power and infinity arrows))-Crafting below.
->Force-see bottom for how to use...Lightning,grip, push, choke, mind trick, jump and speed
..........-> Added Force boots for jump and speed. See crafting.
-> Permissions
-> DodgeDude123 joins the team
-> R2-D2-see below for more information
-Added removal for ships(right click on R2 again)-Also added no duplication of blocks from ships.
-> Sorted duribility Bug for force boots
-> Changed Force grip to right click block, to pick up, and right click air to make it reappear. I consider this a much better movement, and I will not do anymore work on it.

->LightSaber(Enchanted sword(level 100 sharpness))-Cafting below.
...........->You can block attacks with the LightSaber for 5 seconds(including other LightSabers).
-> BlasterRifle(Enchanted bow(Level 100 power and infinity arrows))-Crafting below.
->Force-see bottom for how to use...Lightning,grip, push, choke, mind trick, jump and speed
..........-> Added Force boots for jump and speed. See crafting.
-> Permissions
-> DodgeDude123 joins the team
-> R2-D2-see below for more information

-> LightSaber
-> BlasterRifle
-> Force powers- Grip, push, and lightning.
-> Permissions!

None ( I hope).