StackableItems allows you to raise or lower the default stack amounts for any item. Items can also be disabled (disallows pickup and crafting). Items can be set in three different ways: individual players, permission groups (requires Vault), and universally.
Example use cases:
- Carrying 16 snowballs while carrying 64 cubic meters of dirt is ridiculous.
- Carry a stack of water buckets or mushroom soup with you so you never run out
- Make potions stack
- Limit stacks of food for a hardcore survival server
- Allow only privileged users to craft/pickup TNT
- Allow individual players to craft custom items
Download: BukkitDev
Source Code: Github
Example configurations
- Items are capped to 127 max to prevent item loss.
- Configurations use Bukkit Material names.
More info on the Configurations page.
Custom configs per group/player
Each Permissions group or player can be setup to use their own custom config by creating a new file in the StackableItems directory. Examples for me would be: I am in group admin and player haveric, so I could use admin.yml or haveric.yml
A group file will override defaultItems for the Permission group.
A player file will override a group file or defaultItems for the given player.
- - stackableitems.admin
- Allows a player to use in-game commands to set stack amounts and reload the config.
- Permissions can also be used to create groups which can be handled with group.yml (ex: admin.yml) files
See the options page for detailed descriptions of each option in options.yml
See the full changelog on github.
Problem or Bug?
If you are having any issues or encounter any bugs, check the issue tracker on github first, and submit a new one if needed. If you're not sure if you've found a bug or just want to ask for help, jump on the Discord server below to ask around.
If you find my plugins useful and want to help support future development and faster updates, please consider donating and fueling my need for coffee:
I'v copied this but it still does that problem when u shift-click and it stacks all the potions in the brewing stand?
Tested config without Groups and it seems to work good, but my settings are according to groups :( here is my config please help me sort this out :| potions still stack in brewing stand..
Hello, we can stack items while there is a limit by buying in a shop plugin. Then you can duplicate those items
Check it in 15 sec :
How to stack potions?
127 max stacks ????
Not at this time. StackableItems would probably need a full rewrite in order to handle those properly.
It does add shift clicking into inventories, but it should not be duplicating items. Have you set anything in the items.yml config or changed any options or are you seeing this with a fresh install? Can you also replicate this with only StackableItems running? It's possible there is a conflict with another plugin if you cannot.
Does this plugin add the ability to shift click into crafting tables? I noticed it was suddenly possible on my server and the only change I can remember making recently is installing this plugin. If so, it seems to rarely duplicate items, and it'd be nice to have an option to disable it.
could you add item name and lore blacklist so you can only stack certain kits and stuff by using the name and lore thanks
I'm really happy for your reply and I'm also happy to contribute to development of the plugin!
You could implement a command such as /si add (id/group) (amount) (place) and for groups /si group add (name) (id,id,id) and that's it and about the options, you don't need to do anything!
P.S. I can't do a video in inglish because i'm realy bad in it D: The thing I regret is that there is only one video about your plugin and it's also pretty bad and that's why I tried to record it in my country to see how wonderful it is!
An other things is that i didn't see some problems about your plugin and i think that's complete!
Picking up stacks will be fixed in the next release. Control dropping items should be working in v1.0.3 now.
Feel free to put the errors on pastebin or another service and link them here.
the console is just spammed with messages tell me if you want me to post them but warning you it is long and alot of words and i will try the plugins thing tomorrow because its very late here like almost 2 so i will post/try that tomorrow thanks
I think there were issues with the creative player inventory, otherwise it should work everywhere. If it's working without the other plugins, that would indicate a plugin conflict of some kind. Try adding plugins back until it stops working and then you should find which plugin is conflicting.
What messages are you seeing when it is spamming your console?
ok i removed all plugins it will only stack in survival when its the only plugin do you still want me to send you a file of all the plugins together?
also when i try to put those files back into the real server(i just made a copy of the server and deleted the other plugins) it wont work again not in survival not in creative if there is anything you can do let me know if its too much work just tell me and i will not use it just tell me
also when i have it in and i place or move anything in my inventory it spams my console
That's pretty awesome! I may not understand Italian, but I watched through it anyway. It seems like you have a pretty good grasp on most of the functionality although it bugged me that you were using /reload instead of /si reload whenever you were modifying the configuration. I also like how you started with the "wasted flint and steel" option as an intro to the config. (Re-watching the video now with translated English subtitles and it's making slightly more sense and I'm catching a few things I didn't the first time)
If you have any suggestions on improving the usability of the plugin, please let me know. I realize that it can be confusing and I'm all for making it easier, especially on newer users.
Were there any parts that were especially confusing for you or was there anything that you struggled with when reviewing this?
Also, is there any chance of an English version or better English subtitles?
ok i will try that soon thanks
Try running the server with only StackableItems and see if it works. If it is still not working, zip up your server setup (everything except worlds) and upload it to dropbox or another sharing site and pm that to me. I can test your exact setup and see if there's a misconfiguration or some other issue going on.
Hey haveric, I made a video in Italian on your plugin and i want that u see it although I'm sure that you wouldn't understand anything xD
P.S. Your plugin is really nice but equally difficult and I hope that you can implement a system that make your plugin a little easier to manage ;)
i have the latest i have tried all stacking and do you want me to send a list of all my plugins and no mods
What version of StackableItems are you using? Have you tried "/stackableitems reload" or restarting the server after adding the items to the items.yml config? Do you have any other plugins or mods that affect inventories in any way? How are you trying to stack the items? Clicking, commands, hoppers? Are you in Survival or Creative?
its still not working i just want to be able to stack water and lava buckets to 16 in the inventory and chest and enderchest but it wont stack for some reason but when i do si reload it sayd /si <item> [MinAmount]- Item can be the Item ID or the CraftBukkit Item NAme, MinAmount is the minimum amount to be considered and im sure thats it but i dont know how to do it it may not be but it just wont work