What does it do?
Stables is a plugin that assists with Horse ownership, protection, and other horse related things. Vanilla has no ownership or tracking of horses, only if it has been broken or not. Stables changes this behavior.
Important MC1.11 Notes!
This new version (1.9.11) MAY NOT WORK WITH OLDER MC VERSIONS! It has ONLY been tested with MC 1.11!
MC 1.11 changed a lot with horses. As of Stables v1.9.11, some changes must be made in order to accommodate Llamas, Donkeys, Mules, Zombie horses and Skeleton Horses. In your config.yml, In the "animals" section, you MUST add these to the "allowed" list. Anything NOT in the allowed list will NOT be covered by Stables! (example: allowed: HORSE, ZOMBIE_HORSE, SKELETON_HORSE, LLAMA, DONKEY)
Again, as far as 1.11 is concerned Mules, Donkeys, Zombie/Skeleton horses are NOT Horses, and must be entered SEPARATELY into the config!
As of right this moment, Llama carpet does NOT save. Testing of this version has been VERY limited. Please report any and all bugs via tickets - Be as specific in your reports as possible!
Another note: v1.9.11 will create a new table in your database for stored/stabled horses, and copy all the values over, converting what needs to be converted. For safety purposes, the old table will NOT be removed. It will just no longer be used. I would suggest NOT deleting it yourself for a bit, in case you need to restore a previous version.
All localization messages are still 'Horse' and 'Steed' specific. New default messages will be added in time. As always, you can edit them yourself in the 'language.yml' file.
- To use COST based virtual stables, Vault is required. Free storage does not require any additional plugins.
Current Features
- Protect Horses from configurable outside damages, including PVP, Environmental (falling/lava) and Monsters
- Adds recipes for Horse Armor (Barding), Name Tags and Saddles
- Now has customizable recipes for these items!
- Adds 'ownership' to horses so others cannot steal them - Use a name tag on a horse to claim it!
- Store horses in virtual stables, and recover them!
- Abilities for Admin/Staff to Remove Ownership
- Sets a max amount of horses one player can own
- Anyone with the stables.admin permission can use horses without permission
- Allow a friend to ride a claimed horse
- Lure a horse from the wild using an item (defaults Golden Carrot - Other suggestions would be Emeralds, Golden Apples)
- Horse Spawning, including ZOMBIE and SKELETON horses!
- Teleport, Summon and Locate your claimed Horses!
- Allows staff to rename horses without changing ownership
- UUID storage for databases -
- Uses connections to '' and '' if UUID cannot be resolved on the server.
What's in store for new releases?
- Horse Trading
- (NPC) Races
- Horse purchasing (from NPC)
Permissions & Commands
Please see the Permissions & Config Page here.
How does it work?
Name a horse to claim it as your own. Hit it (as the owner) with a new Name Tag (un-renamed) to free it!
- To name a horse, you have to get a NAME TAG. Use the NAME TAG in an ANVIL and change it's name to what you want the horse to be called. Then USE (Right Click) The Horse with the NAMED NAME TAG to name it. This is a VANILLA MINECRAFT feature - it is not included with Stables. This action, however, is what will claim a horse with the Stables plugin.
- You can also set the config to 'AutoOwn = true' - This will automatically claim a horse as soon as it is tamed!
Stables also prevents horses from being killed by players, mobs, environmental, or any combination of these. All options are 100% toggle-able through the config.
Virtual Stables
This feature can be disabled by the admins by setting the 'allowCommand' config option to false, and then just not creating any stable signs.
To create a stable, simply place a sign with [stables] as the first line. Stables will take over from there. If 'allowCommand' is disabled, you can ONLY use the Virtual Stables feature with a sign. Punch the sign, or type /stables store to store a horse. Please note: Storage does *NOT* save chests right now, nor will it save saddles. This is a known bug.
- Please note: The stables does *NOT* save Horse Speed. This is a Minecraft/Bukkit shortfall, and will be addressed as soon as there is a way to do so.
The Config
Please see the Permissions & Config Page here.
Stables makes several items craftable - specifically Saddles, Barding (Horse Armor) and Name Tags.
Setting the config option for hard mode recipes will change all ingots/bars to blocks instead.
Localization & Custom Messages
Upon the first run, a file called 'language.yml' will be generated. This will have all the phrases, in English. You may change the phrases to whatever you'd like, or any language you'd like.
Hold up. Can the developer fix this? You're very vague with what you said you changed. I'd rather have the developer fix this than work with a ghetto fix i'd have to make myself. I'd also like to view said ticket if possible.
What is it you edited? I'm getting the same error on my server =(
OK..i will give it a try.. my admins were getting pissed at me, cuz no one knew that.
They can name the horse again, or use a blank (empty) nametag on the horse to remove the name. Alternately, a mod/admin can do /ro (or /stables removeowner) and punch the stray horse.
It's running fine in 1.6.2 - Make a ticket and paste the entire error, please.
yea just make nametags for them and give them to the user....also I got a editor and changed r1 to r2 and plugin works great... thx
The problem we are have.. Well some people. If they have there horse named before the plugin was installed, that person can not do anything with there horse.
easy fix just need to change 1_6_R1 to 1_6_R2 but not sure how to edit the code stuff
currently not working on bukkit 1.6.2
9:21:16 PM CONSOLE: [SEVERE] Could not pass event PlayerInteractEntityEvent to stables v1.4c
9:21:16 PM CONSOLE: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/bukkit/craftbukkit/v1_6_R1/entity/CraftAnimals
If you use a name tag on any other mob, it thinks it's a horse. FYI.
Can you fix that? It's annoying! Also, could you make the admin permissions give infinity mobs?
(I also want protection for cats/dogs, if you want to set that up too, I bet you won't do it, but maybe?)
@raum THanks. I just run the server, don't have time to play. They did figure it out. You should put that as part of your info.
NVM.. I think you need to explain better how to do this. Horse are new, and people don't understand how to name the Tag.
It works fine.
Naming a horse is not part of Stables - that's part of Minecraft. Naming a horse will claim it in Stables as 'your' horse. If you want to get rid of the horse, you can use a new name tag on it, clearing the name and freeing the horse.
Not sure why its not working.. No one really knows how to use it..
How does it work? Name a horse to claim it as your own. Hit it (as the owner) with a new Name Tag (un-renamed) to free it!
Not very clear on how to do this?
Works fine with all of those. Have they named their tag? A blank name tag does nothing. If there was an error coming from Stables, it would report in the Console, or to the person doing it.
I am tying to have people run it.. but they keep telling me it does not work. they right and left click on the horse with the tag, and nothing happens.
Can you please try it with Smple stuff like Latest BUkkit 1.6.2. WorldEdit WorldGuard Commandhelper Commandbook PermissionsEX
Those are some basic plugins everyone uses.
The error Train was having was unrelated with Stables. What is it saying when someone tries to get on a horse?
@raum Same thing here. We run 1.6.2 and people can not mount there horse.
Haven't experienced this - let me install 1.6.2 on my local server and see what's going on.
Edit: For those of you following comments - This error turned out to be a different plugin. :)