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UploadedMay 25, 2016
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Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.9
- 1.8
- CB 1.7.9-R0.2
- Fixed an error that stopped list and listall from working on a player who has changed their name.
- Additional uuid errors fixed
- Note: The issue with add/del rider was because UUIDs were not saving correctly. They will not be updated until the player logs in again.
- Additional uuid errors fixed
- UUID addrider type mismatch fixed
- Duplication bug with /recover fixed
- Additional debug messages
- Fixes Storage permission
- 1.9.10
- No major changes - Compiled against Spigot 1.9 - it should work on any version past 1.7.2, however.
- Fixed stables.store permission to work even if the commands are turned off.
- Additional small bugfixes, including 'Clearhorses' working on offline players.
- 1.9.9
- Small various bugfixes, including max health recovery bugs.
- 1.9.8b
- Fixed typo causing issues with UUID ownership. Whoops.
- 1.9.8
- Fixed a few instances where Stables was still using NAMES instead of UUID for ownership
- Corrected the permission for luring to 'stables.lure.
#' (previously was stable.lure.
#)- Removed need for 'stables.lure' in addition to the 'stables.lure.
#' permission
- Removed need for 'stables.lure' in addition to the 'stables.lure.
- 1.9.7
- Optimization rewrites - no major changes
- Bugfix for /spawnhorse - 'Player Only' console message should only occur if no player argument is given.
- 1.9.6
- Fixed lure bug - items will once again be removed from inventory
- New Lure & Config Features:
- horses.lure.timeout - Time, in seconds, in between lure attempts.
- lure.#.count - Require xx amount of item (instead of just 1)
- lure.#.item2 - Allow a 2nd item required for luring. Set to 0 if none.
- lure.#.item2count - How many of item 2 is required
- Change in /spawnhorse - Optional 3rd argument of a player's name will spawn it at their location.
- Adjusted 'worldguard' mob spawn checking - WG no longer needed.
- Fixed (hopefully) - the lack of tables being populated when switching from SQLite to MySQL.
- Added some color to the help list - Still fairly ugly, but not a giant wall of white now.
- Addresses the colored name storage/recover further - Now works flawlessly with any number of color arguments. Also can now recover with the horse's number in the stables, rather than just the name.
- Fixes the 'colored name' storage/recovery issue
- Custom Recipes for items now available. Recipes will be reset to their original 'stock' recipe and added to the config. You can change them after that point to whatever you would like. If you make an invalid recipe, or do not define a material, the recipe will error out. Be certain to define everything. :)
- Added config option to NOT allow horse summoning between worlds.
- Small fix to default some additional new permissions to Ops only
- Small fix for 1.8 mobs.
- 1.9.5 Fixes NPE errors with new WG and database format.
- 1.9.4 Never uploaded
- 1.9.3 Additional addrider bugfixes
- Adds an internal UUID collector, as to not query the Mojang API unless it has to.
- 1.9.2 Addrider bugfixes
- 1.9.1 - Stables 'store' bugfix
- UUID Conversion updated
- Flatfile conversion updated
- Do NOT run EITHER conversion unless you have backed up your database! While both of these conversions have been tested, That does not mean they are 100% bug free, and there is no guarantee to their use. If you have a very large database, it could stall your server (depending on your settings).
- 1.9.0 - The UUID Update
- Things to Note:
- UUIDs will be automatically added to any new horses and riders, but will not automatically convert old horses/riders. You must use "/stables uuid-convert". Depending on the size of your database, this may take a while to run. If the debug is on, you will be spammed a LOT with info while this works. Keep that in mind :P
Bugfixes - Sign post Stables function correctly now
- Fixed /summonhorse errors
- Fixed 'not tame' errors with /recover
- - Corrected message recursive errors. Whoops.
- 1.8.11 - Corrected Splash potion errors
- Added missing language lines
- Change horse luring to allow multiple horse types, chances and items allowed (Check the config page)
- 1.8.10 - Fixed storage errors with armors, and other small issues
- Removed update checking, as I don't have the time currently to write all the new code required to use the new required API for update checking.
- No real features at all - Just fixing some NPE errors.
- - Changed how random names for horses worked. Now uses a seperate file, as to not bog down your main config. First run will auto create, and convert the config if the names already exist in your main.
- - Some of these features have been hastily added, and not tested. Please report errors via ticket
- Added/Fix Splash potion damage protection to named horses. Follows Mob/PVP/Owner rules
- Added checks for No-Mob worlds before recovering a horse UNTESTED
- Re-added database conversion from flatfile to SQL UNTESTED
- - Added ability for 'stables.admin' to store other people's horses. A new permission will be added for this.
- Fixed flatfile owner errors (Ticket 41)
- - Vanished into deep space
- 'The Recover Update' - I suppose I could go to .9 :p
- Added WorldGuard protection checking for no-spawn zones
- Changed how /recover works - now uses NAME, not Number.
- Invalid horse names, or /recover with no argument will list all horses in your stables (like /view)
- Lets see how many updates we can do in one day!
- Added "/stables dismount" - requires "stables.dismount" permission - will force someone off a horse (or any vehicle, actually).
- Bugfix for null worlds when finding horses that have not yet had their location saved.
- - Fixed /rename to use the NoTagRename config, rather than AutoOwn (whoops)
- Added 'NAME' as a staff command - uses perm 'stables'name' - This allows you to specifically name someone's horse to something else. (see Config/Perms page for details)
- - "The AutCraft Update"
- Added to Config:
- horses.AutoOwn - Lets players automatically claim a horse after dismounting a tamed horse
- horses.AutoSaddle - Automatically add a saddle to a claimed horse
- horses.NoTagRename - Allows the use of the /rename command - lets you rename a horse with a random name (configurable)
- A big Kudos to all the staff of AutCraft for providing a safe and friendly place for our kids that are on the Spectrum.
- Added to Config:
- Added 'ABANDON' - A command to give up ownership of a horse, regardless of it's location.
- Note: If the horse is not physically found, it will still be abandoned by the owner, but the name will still exist on it when someone else finds it.
- Changed how the Localization works: There is no longer any "specific" localization - there is now a language.yml file. Edit it to your heart's content.
- Corrected an add column error with MySQL for the new locating features
- Added 'ABANDON' - A command to give up ownership of a horse, regardless of it's location.
- 1.8.8 Added:
- TP - Teleport to your horse - Requires "alowTP" true in the config OR permission stables.tp
- FIND - Point your compass at your horse- Requires "alowFind" true in the config OR permission stables.find
- SUMMON - Summon your horse to you - Requires "alowSummon" true in the config OR permission stables.summon
- Note: The 'Summon' method is very taxing on your system and can easily lead to lag if this command is overused. Becareful of who you give it to.
- 2nd Note: The flatfile yaml database system requires many extra checks to perform these functions - SQL is recommended.
- 3rd Note: Locations were not stored prior to this update - As such, no 'old horses' will be locatable until they've been ridden at least once.
- Fixed flat file issues with rider checked
- Corrected disabled world list
- Added 'enabled world' list
- Rewritten several parts due to code loss.
- Added recipe.hardmode - requires recipes to use Blocks instead of bars for armor
- Lure disable works correctly
- 1.8.7 Changed 'ListAll' permission to 'stables.list' (from 'stables.info')
- Changed 'ListHorses' to 'ListAll'
- Added 'List' for a single player to list their own horses
- Added 'stables.recipe.nametag' permission for crafting
- Added a config option to disable the Not-Owned-Warning-Messages
- Added Dutch nlNL localization
- Correction for costs of Virtual stable
- More Flatfile horse fixes. Have I mentioned I hate YAML? :P
- Flat file horse ownership bugfixes
- 'Is it a horse?' fixes.
- Additional horse counting fixes
- Fixes for counting tamed horses in SQL
- Added 'update version check' to reload - option to disable in the config
- Couple of fixes for the "Go tame your horse!" routine
- 1.8.6 Additional checks to verify that a horse actually IS a horse for some older builds of 1.6*
- Fixes the stables.spawn and stables.recipe.saddle permissions.
- - additional checks for older servers to prevent issues with invalid living entities
- - Added a disabled world check for stables (Will not allow /stables store or /stables recover if player is in (xx) World
- Non-owners no longer allowed to name claimed horses
- Added a message to remind players to name their horses!
- (older cange, forgot to mention) Added perms for crafting of items (armor & sadddles)
- 1.8.4 Changed stables sign a bit
- Fixed Max vip permissions
- Fixed flatfile /listhorses
- Correctly checking for permissions for listhorses and check - oops
- Added /view and /recover - /stables view and /stables recover still work.
- Fixed stables.ride permission - whoops. again.
- 1.8.2 Fixed jump strength and health storage/recover. There is still no API for saving/setting horse speed found in Bukkit.
- 1.8.1 Added negative perms for OPs for the punish feature.
- 1.8.0 - Broke 'admin' perm into several smaller perms for better control - see the permissions section.
- Added perms for Recipe Crafting
- Added ability to charge for virtual stables (Requires Vault)
- Added 'punishment' permissions to deny breeding, naming
- Added additional checks to verify that you are indeed dealing with a horse (bad Bukkit. Minecarts aren't horses.)
- Made 'Max Horses' function with just the permission - no more config option is needed
- SQLite should be functioning once again. Open a Ticket to report any additional errors!!!
- 1.7.4 - Special DERP edition. :/ Special thanks to RoelandCache for assisting int he bug testing.
- Do NOT use SQLite with this version. SQLite fixed version will come soon
- 1.7.1-3 : Database fixes - Flatfile, SQLite and MySQL
- /spawnhorse (optional zombie/skeleton)
- 1.6.3 - Has gone highly untested
- Adds option to set to MySQL in the config - does not use Bukkit defaults. Flatfile storage will return in 1.7 as an option
- additional bugfix/typos.
- Added esES localization
- Began adding commands for Online config setting
- 1.6.2 -New Features:
- [stables] signs - Placeable by stables.admin only! Allow for Storage and Recovery of Horses!
- Stables *DOES NOT SAVE* Chests or Saddles. Will be fixed in a new version. *DOES SAVE ARMOR*
- /stables store - Store a horse. Only works if allowed in Config
- /stables recover # - if commands are disabled in the config, it requires you to be within 5 blocks of a [Stables] sign.
- /stables view - View all your stabled horses
- [stables] signs - Placeable by stables.admin only! Allow for Storage and Recovery of Horses!
- 1.6.1 - SQL bugfixes
- 1.6.0 - Conversion to SQL - No new Features
- 1.5.2 - Language/Config bugfix
- 1.5.1 - Added Horse Luring
- Fixed permissions issues with all tested perm plugins (GroupManager, PeX, bPermissions)
- 1.4e In 1.6.2, Bukkit changed how entity.CraftAnimals were handeld - updated code to reflect this.
- 1.4d Additional Bugfixes - Corrected NPH error with 'listhorses'
- Horse names should correctly add to the database if they were not in there originally.
- 1.4c Bug Fix - Non owners cannot add and remove riders to a horse. Whoops!
- 1.4b Bug fix - Player shot arrows were being considered mob shot.
- 1.4 Fully rewrote how horse data is handled - no more metadata.
- Added /stables save - Saves horses.yml
- Added /stables addrider - Allows (rider) to ride your horse
- Added /stables delrider - Removes (rider) from your horse
- Added /stables listhorses - Shows all horses owned by (person)
- Added /stables clearhorses - Deletes all horse data from (person) - Please note, this does NOT clear names, only ownership data.
- Added multiple tiers of horse limits using the permissions 'stables.VIP1', '.VIP2' and '.VIP3'
- 1.3c (beta) Changed handling of blank horse data
- 1.3b Added /stables - Currently only accepts arguments of "reload" and "version"
Bug fixes for named, un-owned (due to error issues) that are not found in the horses database
- 1.3 Special thanks to Externo6 for patiently bugtesting with me for hours today :P
- Changed Horse Armor Recipe
- Fixed multiple bugs
- Horses should no longer spawn with owner data
- 1.2 Lots of issues - removed this version
- Corrected PVE Damage for projectiles
- ADded Environmental Damage protection
- Added reverse hay recipe (1 hay = 9 wheat)
- 1.1 Added commands for admin to remove ownership
- 1.0 Initial Release