

A plugin that will allow you to teleport to a random point on the map!

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Plugin languages:


en_us - English
es_es - Español (Spanish)
fr_fr - Français (French)
de_de - Deutsch (German)
it_it - Italiano (Italian)
pt_br - Português (Brasil) (Portuguese - Brazil)
ru_ru - Русский (Russian)
zh_cn - 中文 (简体) (Chinese - Simplified)
ja_jp - 日本語 (Japanese)
ko_kr - 한국어 (Korean)
ar_sa - العربية (Arabic)
pl_pl - polski (polish)
vi_vn - Tiếng việt (Vietnamese)
uk_ua - Українська (Ukraine)
tr_tr - Türkçe(Turkish)




- World: The ability to teleport through the ordinary world
Messages to the boss bar.
- Version: Automatic verification of the new version of the plugin.
- Colors: Support RGB colors &#000000
- Regions: Regional support Worldguard
- Damage: Canceling teleportation when taking damage
- Logs: Complete logging of teleportation in the console.
- Attempts: Increase and decrease teleportation attempts.
- Effect: The ability to set a custom effect after teleportation.
- BossBar: Customization of the BossBar as much as possible.
- CoolDown: Adjustment of BossBar time and cooldown after command /rtp.
- Banned: Ability to ban biomes and blocks for teleportation.
- Custom_Messages: Ability to change messages as you like.
- Barrier: Checking for barriers in the world.
- Config: Adjustment of all actions in the config.
- Language: Multi-lingual.
- Sound: sounds during and after teleportation.
- Nether: teleportation around the Nether world.
- Near: ability to teleport near players.
- World: ability to teleport around worlds.
 Plugin commands:
/rtp - The main command.
/rtp reload - reload the plugin.
/rtp version - find out the version of the plugin.
/rtp cancel - allow to cancel rtp with the command.
/rtp world <Your world> - Teleportation to the selected world.
/rtp help - Help with plugin commands.
/rtp player <player> - teleports the specified player.
/rtp base - teleports to the nearest worldguard region.
/rtp biome <biome> - teleports to the specified biome.
/rtp accept - accept teleportation if the /rtp player <player> command is enabled.
/rtp deny - cancel teleportation if /rtp player <player> is enabled.
/rtp back - return to the place that was before teleportation.

The plugin has permissions:


sRandomRTP.cooldown.bypass - bypass command cooldown and teleportation
sRandomRTP.command.Rtp - permission to use the /rtp command.
sRandomRTP.command.Reload - permission to use the /rtp reload command.
sRandomRTP.command.Version - find out the version of the plugin /rtp version.
sRandomRTP.command.Сancel - allow to cancel rtp with the command - /rtp cancel.
sRandomRTP.command.Help - allow the use of the /rtp help command.

sRandomRTP.Command.World - allow the use of the /rtp world command.
sRandomRTP.Command.Back - allows you to use the command - /rtp back.

sRandomRTP.Command.Base - allows you to use the command - /rtp base.

sRandomRTP.Command.Biome - allows you to use the command - /rtp player.

sRandomRTP.Command.Player - allows to use the command - /rtp biome.

sRandomRTP.Command.Deny - enables the use of the command /rtp deny.

sRandomRTP.Command.Accept - allows to use the command - /rtp biome.
sRandomRtp.Cooldown.N - replace “N” with your time. With this permission you can set a custom cooldown on the /rtp command. If the permission is not set, the cooldown for the command is taken from the config. If cooldown on the command is disabled, the permission will not work.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jun 29, 2024
  • Last Released File
    Jul 29, 2024
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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