Supported Bukkit Versions
- Added support for 13 more DBMSs: Firebird, FrontBase, DB2, H2, Informix, Ingres, MaxDB, MicrosoftSQL, Mongo, mSQL, Oracle, Ovrimos, and PostgreSQL.
- query() method optimization.
- query() will no longer return null. Instead, it will return a ResultSet containing the number of changes by statements that do not return a ResultSet.
- query() compatibility with PreparedStatements and Builders added.
- Database and DatabaseConfig no longer use separate enumerations to represent the supported databases.
- Encapsulation of StatementEnums for each Database.
- Finished Statements enumeration for MySQL, SQLite, H2, MicrosoftSQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle.
- getStatement() is now public.
- Added many null and empty String checks as (Runtime) DatabaseExceptions.
- Deprecation and renaming of several methods.
- Database objects now use delegates to provide get methods, but have remained immutable with private set methods.
- Addition of a functional SELECT statement builder for MySQL.
- isTable() and truncate() are unimplemented in most database classes.
- Statements is empty in most of the new databases.
- Only the SELECT query builder works and only for MySQL.