Invisible with just the click of a button!
Invisible with just the click of a button!
Current Version : v3.1.6
Current Version : v3.1.6
I would just like to thannk aadnk(The author of protocolLib) for being so friendly and helpful during the development of this plugin. Without him this plugin wouldn't have been developed. If you decide to donate, please donate to him and not me, he deserves it. The amount of time and effect he has put into this development has been incredible and I can't thank him enough.
All that he has done has been much appreciated!
When you have redstone in hand right and have the permissions: "spy.transform" you turn into the spy!
The spy is invisible and when he switches his item in hand, he becomes visible.
Every second invisible the player loses 1 redstone in hand.
This comes as a request from RumbleIV
When the spy becomes invisible every 5 seconds puff of smoke come from the invisible player
afk-timer: 10 ##################################### # When a player is invisible, # # This is how long they can # # stand on the same spot for. # # Measured in seconds # ##################################### Mobs: followSpy: false ################################# # Whether mobs should follow # # the spy # ################################# Spy: canAttack: true ################################## # Whether the spy can attack # # Mobs or Players. # ################################## isInvincible: true ################################### # Whether the spy is invincible. # ################################### canPickUpItems: true ####################################### # Whether the spy can pick up items. # ####################################### hungerDecay: true ####################################### # If the spy should lose hunger # ####################################### Settings: updateCheck: true ###################################### # If the plugin should check for # # an update on start. # ###################################### metricsEnabled: true ###################################### # Plugin statistic software. # # More info at mcstats.org # ######################################
I am looking for testers, if you are interested message me here on bukkitdev: PM me
- spy.transform - To transform yourself into the spy!
- spy.see - Can see the invisible player
Version 3.1.6
- Added spy.see and neatened some code
Version 2.7.4
- Removed alot of things... Pretty much a complete rewrite
Version 2.6.1
- Initial release
I think you just have to install ProtocotLib on your server :)
The plugin couldn't run. What is the problem?
Something like Afk null last location
can you please fix it?, this plugin is great, but i can't use it because it's spams my console
what does the console say?
Great plugin, but when someone is "afk" all the conosle begin spammed
does not working with bukkit 1.5.2. R.01?
plz update it
Julia :)
Looks great! I am so using this on my tf2 server
Please make an new version and when cloaked, there won't be any traces. Can you remove the AFK time thingy and the Last location error? They cause my server to lag terribly.
Yeah, i suppose it is like the tf2 spy, Because when the player gets attacked they are exposed and everybody can see their skin.
At the moment there is an afk time on that allows you to stay invisible for a certain amount of time while invisible. But im going to remove due to it not functioning.
Is this like TF2 Spy? Which you can backstab and your invisiblity will be gone
When you like disguise other player and other player sees you normaly and your teammates still see you as your own skin?
In beta version 2.7.4 there is a bug with the afkchecker... An update will be released in the next few days.
I uploaded a complete rewrite... It now utilises the bukkit method which is not possible to hack.
Firstly, I am going to defend myself by saying this is not meant to stop hackers. If you look at the request it's solely for arena pvp.
Secondly, I haven't seen any hacks that can see through the invisibility potion effect.
Thirdly, NoCheatPlus generally stops all possible hacks.
Hm, I'd hate to say how easily hackable this really is. I'm assuming this is using the Invisibility effect that's built into Minecraft, so you can't do much to prevent it from being hacked around, no?
sorry, I don't think it's like that:
1. If the item in hand is not redstone it forces them visible.
2. If the player is afk for 10 seconds it forces them visible.
I might add a config option which toggles the afk check on and off
This is going to be so useful on my server since my members get mad when someone kills them when afk