

  • void addWaypoint(String name, double x, double y, double z) Adds a waypoint to the minimap of the client, with the given loation and given name.
  • void checkUrl(String url) Tests the skin/cape url for correctness.
  • void hideTitle() Completely hides the title from view of all players.
  • void hideTitleFrom(SpoutPlayer viewingPlayer) Completely hides the title from the view of the viewingPlayer
  • void openScreen(ScreenType type) Orders the client to open the appriopriate screen type
  • void openSignEditGUI(org.bukkit.block.Sign sign) Opens a sign edit GUI for the given sign
  • boolean openWorkbenchWindow(org.bukkit.Location location) Deprecated.
  • void reconnect(String hostname) Orders the client to reconnect to another server.
  • void reconnect(String hostname, int port) Orders the client to reconnect to another server
  • This method is also supported by some server to server teleporting mods.
  • void reconnect(String message, String hostname) Orders the client to reconnect to another server.
  • void reconnect(String message, String hostname, int port) Orders the client to reconnect to another server
  • This method is also supported by some server to server teleporting mods.
  • void resetCape() Resets the cape that this player is wearing
  • void resetCapeFor(SpoutPlayer viewingPlayer) Resets the cape that is visible for the viewingPlayer
  • void resetEntitySkin(org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity target) Resets the entity skin for the target entity.
  • void resetMaximumRenderDistance() Releases the maximum render distance, and allows the player to change the distance with no maximum restriction
  • void resetMinimumRenderDistance() Releases the minimum render distance, and allows the player to change the distance with no minimum restriction
  • void resetMovement() Resets all modified movement speeds, including walking, swimming, gravity, air speed, and jumping modifiers.
  • void resetSkin() Resets the skin to the default
  • void resetSkinFor(SpoutPlayer viewingPlayer) Resets the skin to the default for the viewing player
  • void resetTexturePack() Resets the texture pack for this player to the one they were using when they joined the game
  • void resetTitle() Resets the title back to it's default state.
  • void resetTitleFor(SpoutPlayer viewingPlayer) Resets the title back to it's default state for the viewingPlayer.
  • void sendImmediatePacket(MCPacket packet) Sends the packet immediately.
  • void sendNotification(String title, String message, org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack item, int time) Send's the player a notification (using the existing Achievement Get window), with the given title, message, and item to render as a graphic. The title and message may not exceed 26 characters in length The item to render may not be null
  • void sendScreenshotRequest() Sends a request to the client to send a screenshot to the server.
  • void setAirSpeedMultiplier(double multiplier) Modifies the default air speed for this player
  • Ex: setAirSpeedMultiplier(10) will cause players to move horizontally while in the air ten times faster than normal.
  • void setCanFly(boolean fly) Overrides the server wide fly setting, allowing this player to fly, or not to fly.
  • void setCape(String url) Sets the cape url of this player
  • void setCapeFor(SpoutPlayer viewingPlayer, String url) Sets the cape url of this player, that is only visible to the viewingPlayer
  • void setClipboardText(String text) Sets the clipboard text for the player
  • void setEntitySkin(org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity target, String url, EntitySkinType type) Sets the entity skin for the target entity to the url.
  • void setGravityMultiplier(double multiplier) Modifies the effects of gravity on the player's y axis movement.
  • void setJumpingMultiplier(double multiplier) Modifies the default jumping speed for this player
  • Ex: setJumpingMultiplier(10) will cause players to jump ten times higher than normal.
  • void setMaximumRenderDistance(RenderDistance maximum) Sets the maximum render distance that the player can view
  • void setMinimumRenderDistance(RenderDistance minimum) Sets the minimum render distance that the player can view
  • void setPreCachingComplete(boolean complete) Internal use only
  • void setRenderDistance(RenderDistance distance) Sets the render distance that the player views
  • void setSkin(String url) Sets the skin of this player
  • void setSkinFor(SpoutPlayer viewingPlayer, String url) Sets the skin of this player, only visibile to the viewingPlayer
  • void setSwimmingMultiplier(double multiplier) Modifies the default swimming speed for this player
  • Ex: setSwimmingMultiplier(10) will cause players to swim ten times faster than normal.
  • void setTexturePack(String url) Sets the texture pack for this player to the given url The texture pack must be a standard texture pack (non-HD), in .zip format, and must be loadable by normal minecraft interface when offline
  • void setTitle(String title) Sets the overhead title for the player.
  • void setTitleFor(SpoutPlayer viewingPlayer, String title) Sets the overhead title for the player, only visible to the viewingPlayer.
  • void setWalkingMultiplier(double multiplier) Modifies the default walking speed for this player
  • Ex: setWalkingMultiplier(10) will cause players to walk ten times faster than normal.
  • boolean spawnTextEntity(String text, org.bukkit.Location location, float scale, int duration, org.bukkit.util.Vector movement) Sends a packet to the client to spawn a text entity
  • void updatePermission(String node) Sends the current value of the node to the client.
  • void updatePermissions() Sends the current value of all permissions that the player has to the client
  • void updatePermissions(String... nodes) Sends the current value of all given nodes to the client.


awardAchievement, canSee, chat, hidePlayer, incrementStatistic, kickPlayer, performCommand, playEffect, playEffect, playNote, playNote, resetPlayerTime, saveData, sendBlockChange, sendBlockChange, sendChunkChange, sendMap, sendRawMessage, setAllowFlight, setBedSpawnLocation, setCompassTarget, setDisplayName, setExhaustion, setExp, setFlying, setFoodLevel, setLevel, setPlayerListName, setPlayerTime, setSaturation, setSleepingIgnored, setSneaking, setSprinting, setTotalExperience, showPlayer, updateInventory


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