If you like spleef, PvP, CTF, or MobArena, this is the plugin for you. This is a plugin tying in with spleef, mobarena, PvP, and capture the flag. You must capture a flag on an apposing side with a variety of arenas trying to kill people and mobs while trying to not fall into the water from spleef. Winners get prizes if chosen. Fun playing around with a mixture is unique. This is my first ever plugin i have made so i hope you like it.
Commands: do /spcm tool and youll get a stone ax set your regions. then for pvp do /pvp region set [name] for mobarena do /ma region set [name] for spleef do /spleef region set [name] for CTF do /ctf region set [name] to do all do /spcm region set [name]
you must create an arena before doing this for creating a world edit arena, do /we spcm then you set your regions and type /[spcm,ma,pvp,ctf] [name] [biome] [naturalize,nonaturalize]
to set the team spawns, first you have to make an arena. then you must type /spcm teams [teamname1] [teamname2] after that you set the spawn points for each team by doing /spcm setspawn [teamname]
to do the flag, you hold the flag in your hand (it has to be a block) then type /spcm flag [teamname] then place the flag in the desired place.
to see kits, do /spcm kits you make the kit by putting only the desired items in your inventory. then type /spcm class [classname] then it will show it in the kits. do /spcm kit [classname]
this is all you really need to know if you want to make maps, you must have multiworld or multiverse so have fun
I will take this over! Don't worry!
Owen, Please settle down.
Someone please take it over i need this plugin!!!!
I relly need this plugin
Download bitte Antworten ;(
Calm Down dude.
Be More Mature. You will never get a good community if you aren't respectful and helpful to those posting on your plugin page. Instead of calling him a "frikin dumbass" you could tell him to have patience and expect it soon.
@Xtractor72 your just as dumb as the rest of the kids posting here. You freaked out on Scottspiddle but did you even read his message? I would say no because he was telling origin that this is in planning. This sounded like it could be a cool plugin but I will never use it because it is clearly being made by a child.
@emolga1 How is mobarena out of date? Do they have to release a new version every day? MobArena v0.94.4.80 for CB 1.3.1-R2.0 Aug 22, 2012
@xTheRealPunisher When a plugin says its in Planning stages it means just that! PLANNING look it up in a dictionary if you do not know what that word means.
Can we toggle Spleef and Mobs off?
oh man, this is what i'm looking for. I liked the mob arena but it is out of date, and who doesn't like spleef! :D
oh man im excited :D cant wait saving this page NOW
you friken noob you know how hard this is
i fricken just started dumbasses
GUYS, he hasn't put the files in the plugin yet! ok
Development stage
Download link?:3