Elemental Giants you can fight!
These Elemental Giants are huge creatures made out of blocks. The final goal is to create fully functioning mobs, with animations, attacks, and maybe even boss fights! The plugin is still kind of proof-of-concept, and as the core code needs some work, there is little to do now, but much potential for this idea.
This project is still in development!
Do not use this if you are looking for a badass Zelda-esque boss fight. Use it to find bugs and give us ideas.
Features are subject to change depending on how much sleep the devs got last night.
We are accepting suggestions about almost anything to do with the plugin. To keep the incoming Ideas organized, Please Add a ticket with your ideas.
Planned Features
- Elementals come is different types with different abilities. Lava, Water, Stone Dirt, etc,
- Elementals will be the boss of the normal world.
- Elementals will spawn naturally or created by an admin.
- Special combat mechanics for fighting each type.
How To Install and run
- Download the plugin
- Place .jar file in your plugins directory.
- Run the server.
- Type /live
- Optional You can also install BarAPI to show the boss bar for the elementals.
- /live will list all the available elemental type file.
- /live <type> will spawn an elemental of that type.
- /cmd will list all the available commands and animations.
- /cmd <command> will play the animation stored in the file
- /cmd grow all Elementals will increase the size by 50%
- /cmd die all Elementals die.
- Elemental.Live allows a player to use the live command.
See the elemental config for custom elementals
- FlyingBlockImpactExplosion: true Will cause an explosion when the elemental hits a solid block.
- MaxElementalcount: 1 max Elemental per server ( use caution if you change this)
- MaxBlockCountPerElemental: 2000 max blocks per Elemental will cause the Elemental to die. ( use caution if you change this)
Please contact the developer of EffectsLib and merge these two plugins! it would be incredible!
try deleting the Splateds_Elementals folder in your plugins and restart the server. is there an error in the console?
Nope but we are working on an api so you can use it in other plugins
If you would post the source on GitHub, I would be forever grateful. I'd love to see how you made this possible, it's simply amazing.
well, i instaled the plugin on my server, but i dont seem to have any elementals to spawn, i checked the config, no elementals files
how do i get some? / how do i make my own elemental?
The stone ones are an invisible iron golem and will attack zombies and protect villagers just like normal.
just a little question, can this attack? if they cant ill still download it but just as a question
Next version is up. I plan to work on AI and animations and sword hits for next friday, and any tickets (like natural spawns if a ticket is made!)
I plan to do some sort of world spawning.
I just wanted to chime and say, though this plugin is early on in its development, there's already an API if any devs are interested in tinkering around!
I'm using it in my plugin for some epic Elemental battles:
I thought about using the API in my MagicWorlds plugin to have them naturally spawn (MagicWorlds is a spawn/block replacement plugin). So you could set up rules that say, for instance, "1% of the time an enderman spawns, spawn a dirt elemental instead"
I think to be effective the plugin will need to manage removing elementals on chunk unload, or otherwise managing them so they come and go and don't get overcrowded.
If @Splated doesn't want to integrate natural spawning in the core plugin, I'd be happy to make it a MagicWorlds feature :)
First we make it work then we add extras. Be cool if when it randomly spawns one it could be one the player made ones. :)
All in good time.
could you make an option to config to make them spawn naturaly? like this:
spawnnatural=true :D
also health,damage and effects customization will be just awesome.
How do I create a iron golem elemental? Thx
click on the link, there are patch notes
@Splated What is new in the b.1.4?
added Elementals b.1.4
go and find bugs!
@yyyyer2 Please see the part above in red.
@Splated Is there two different kinds of elementals? Is it that the first one follows what you are doing and the second one attacks you or attacks other mobs? And if so, how to spawn these elementals?
i like it
It won't spawn on right click but you can spawn one where your looking by removing the "- AttachToPlayer" from the config and type /live <name>
But it will just stand there they have no AI yet.