Solar Apocalypse
The worlds rotation is slowing, We must move underground to Survive!
Solar Apocalypse is a survival game, to make mine craft even harder! The mod destroys all plant and animal life on the surface over a span of 4 days. Players are forced to move underground and try to survive as long as they can.
Mod Features
Natural looking Destruction and Regrowth
- World Changes to a fiery or frozen wasteland.
- All exposed plant life dies off.
- Biomes Change to desert during the day and tundra at night.
- The world can be slowly restored with the regrow system a few blocks at a time.
Day GamePlay Mechanics
- Lava balls fall from the sky
- Anything exposed to Sun Light will burst into flames.
- Colored glass can protect from the suns death rays.
Night GamePlay Mechanics
- Players and Animals take cold damage when away from heat sources (lights) even under ground!
- Full Leather armor can keep players warm underground, but not outside.
- Players can see there breath when they are getting too far from the light.
- Snow Piles up to form huge drifts.
- Super lighting storms strike without warning.
Time Control
- The time length of Day, Night and Dusk/Dawn can be independently increased, decreased or skipped entirely.
- Players can right click a clock for info about whats going on and how much time is left.
Mulit-World Support
- You can destroy as many worlds as you like in many different ways.
- Destruction pauses if no players are in the world
Fully Customizable World Config
- Each world can have its own config separate config file.
- Plugin config file.
- The World's Config File can be modified for new types of gameplay.
- Share your Config files on the forums!
Basic Commands
- /apocadmin -plugins help
- /apocadmin [worldName] Start - Starts Solar Apocalypse on [worldName]
- /apocadmin [worldName] Stop - Stops Solar Apocalypse
- For More Advanced commands Click Here
How To Install and run
- Download the plugin
- Place the .jar file in your plugins directory.
- Run the server.
- To start a game type "/ApocAdmin world start" where world is the name of the world you want to destroy!
- Enjoy the game!
- type "/ApocAdmin world stop" to stop.
SolarApocalypse.ApocAdmin access to the /ApocAdmin command
- Will this work with the newest Bukkit / Minecraft version
- yes, if you find a problem open a ticket.
I welcome any help or suggestions! Please Use ticked system for bugs and new ideas!
Could you make this compatible with Multiverse?
Maybe add something in the config so it only affects the world of your choice?
Trying this out looks like a great plugin Hope you contuinue this
OK first Alpha Version is up. let me know how it works for you.
I don't have the wether or block changes yet this is just clock tweaks and mob damage.
<<reply 695018="">>
Theres nothing to download yet I'm still making it.
I may have a early test version working here soon.
Where is the link to download
<<reply 694752="">>
Can you also make a classic version like how the mod was when it first came out and can you make a classic mod also????
<<reply 694650="">>
Well on a server its started by a player so you can wait 4 days or start it when ever. and I have no idea how to use spout I'm having a hard time just getting it working.
I was able to get the cold damage working if your too far from a light source you will take damage. I like the idea of having the cold effect underground also.
<<reply 693825="">>
Ok and on the mod can you make it back to 4/5 days because I dont like the 1 or 2 day
To make the sun grow in size you could implement spout compatibility or somehow link it to spout essentials because in spout essentials you are able to change the sun size for everyone on the server, but the problem with this is that everyone must be using the spout client
The sun growing is a client side mod i don't think its possible in multi player.
Can you makea mod one like the sun gets big and can you put the mod back to 4 day's
They have been working on a multiplayer version for the past month and a half, so it must be good!
You would lough, i downloaded your singleplayer mod last day and my friends would play it on multiplayer but it hasn't existed, and now i founded THIS! Your mod is just amazing, i hope you will be lucky at developing this mod on multiplayer and it wil be done verry fast =D
Oh my. Need.
-Could you make it so none of these effects whatsoever happen in areas like caves and houses? -Can you make it optional that it doesn't kill certain mobs?
Just thinking about this plugin is exciting me! I may devote a whole world in my server to this!
This seems wonderful, I just simply must have it. I can't wait for this project to be finished.
Sounds rather interesting ill have to keep an eye on this one xD
Yesss!!! I cannot wait for this mod to be released for servers! DO ET NAAOOO :)