
The ApocConfig.yml is stored in the worlds folder /server/worldname/ApocConfig.yml

- Day0Reset  

- Set   <> DayMultiplier:0.8 
- Set   <> NightMultiplier:0.8 
- Set   <> DuskMultiplier:0.8    
- Set   <> NumOfChanges:1 
- Set   <> GrassDie:On
- Set   <> BiomeChange:On
- Set   <> NightStorm:On
- Both  <> GRASS            -> DIRT
- Both  <> MYCEL            -> DIRT
- Both  <> RED_ROSE         -> DEAD_BUSH  
- Both  <> LONG_GRASS       -> AIR
- Both  <> DOUBLE_PLANT     -> AIR 
- Set   <> SeaLevel:62
- Yell  <> The Solar Apocalypse has Started!
- MOTD  <> $aSplated's $4Solar Apocalypse $6Day:$Day
- Regrow <> Dusk:On
- Regrow <> Day:Off
- Regrow <> Night:Off

Effects_Day#: is the effects loaded on that day. Days are loaded in order starting with 0 and ending with the current day, effects remain until changed.

- Day0Reset this is a shortcut for resetting all the settings to off. it sets all the following setting:

- Set   <> Clear:Day        # Clears Blocklist day
- Set   <> Clear:Night      # Clears Blocklist Night
- Set   <> GrassDie:Off     # starts grass dying
- Set   <> PlayerBurn:Off   # burn players in day light
- Set   <> PlayerFreeze:0   # Freeze when light level is below x 0 is off
- Set   <> BreathPuff:Off   # Breath Effect when near Freeze damage.
- Set   <> NightStorm:Off   # Storms all night 
- Set   <> StopWater:Off    # stops water from flowing in the sun
- Set   <> BiomeChange:Off  # switches biomes 
- Set   <> NumOfChanges:0   # Number of blocks changed a per chunk Max 256
- Set   <> SeaLevel:256     # lowers sea level to this number 256 is off
- Set   <> LavaBomb:Off     # Activates random Lava Bombs
- Set   <> LightingBomb:Off # Activates random Lighting Bombs
- Regrow <> Dusk:Off   # Activates regrowth  during dusk and dawn
- Regrow <> Day:Off  # Activates regrowth  during the day
- Regrow <> Night:Off # Activates regrowth  during night
- Set   <> DayMultiplier:1.0    #Time Multiplier for Day
- Set   <> NightMultiplier:1.0  #Time Multiplier for Night
- Set   <> DuskMultiplier:1.0  #Time Multiplier for dawn and dusk

- Set <> DayMultiplier:1.0 This is the time Multiplier for the specified day a setting of 1.0 is normal Minecraft speed, a setting of 0.5 makes the sun/moon move half speed, 2.0 moves 2x as fast. A setting of 0 will cause the time to be skipped.

- Regrow <> Dusk:On This forces a temporary Off on most of the settings during the appointed times, and triggers the regrow system to start restore blocks from the _ApocRegrow world. When dusk-dawn , night or day end the normal destruction resumes.

- Yell <> The Solar Apocalypse has Started! This is a message send to all players in the world when the day is triggered.

- MOTD <> $aSplated's $4Solar Apocalypse $6Day:$Day this sets the servers MOTD if the /apocadmin MOTD true has been set. the "$" are replaced with minecraft color codes the "$Day" wild card will be replaced with the current day.


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