Gamemode inventory #13

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to chipmunk9998
  • blablubb created this issue Apr 13, 2013

    I have a plguin that keeps creative and survival inventories seperated.

    When a player changes his gamemodes during specating (like from creative to survival), after spectating he has the creative inventory in survival mode and his survival inv is lost.

    So maybe something to block commands (the gamemode command), or remember and restore the gamemode would be useful

  • blablubb added the tags New Enhancment Apr 13, 2013
  • Chipmunk9998 posted a comment Apr 13, 2013

    Check the config, there's an option to turn off commands while spectating.

  • blablubb posted a comment Jun 1, 2013

    What if do want to be able to use other commands? Would you mind adding some sort of command blacklist? Also, gamemode can also change by events liek switching worlds.. So maybe it would possible to somehow else make it compatible to this?

    So maybe even better would be an option to disable gamemode changing during spectating..

  • _ForgeUser9135594 posted a comment Jan 1, 2014

    I was using this on my server in 1.7.2. I was in Creative mode when I spectated a player, and when I came back from spectating, and changed over to survival, my survival inventory was lost and all I had was creative inventory in both modes. If I spectate anybody, whatever inventory I had is safe, but the other one is gone after spectating.

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