Hello this is my first plugin so it may contain some bugs, pm me if you found the bugs.
This plugin allows you to spawn mobs while right clicking a sign.
Click here to download, due Bukkitdev there is a problem with uploading :/.
Mob list:
- - Creeper
- - Zombie
- - Spider
- - Skeleton
- - Pigzombie
- - Enderman
- - Enderdragon
- - Cavespider
- - Blaze
- - Wolf
- - Giant
- - Ocelot
- - Ghast
- - Slime
- - Chicken
- - Cow
- - Pig
- - Mooshroom
- - Sheep
- - Silverfish
- - Irongolem
- - Snowgolem
- - Magmacube
Permissions list:
- - Spawnsigns.use
- - Spawnsigns.create
- - Spawnsigns.*
Thanks for downloading got any problems pm me.
Can you make it where it costs XP to use the signs?
For future releases, can you please upload the .jar file without zipping it first?
Hello, Nice plugin. I see this is your first plugin. If you are wanting help to make more, or update this one. I will gladly be able to help you code some plugins. (:
EDIT: Fix Download Link [Change Stage]
Nice plugin, will try it. This same feature is part of ServerSigns ( by adding that command to the sign. But overall, good job. Will check source code to see if any glitches.
REVISED: No download link, stage still says planning. Please fix.