This plugin allows you to set mob spawner types and optionally gather mob spawners with a Silk Touch enchanted tool.
Thanks to @shop1126 for this video which showcases some of the plugin's features.
This plugin allows you to set mob spawner types and optionally gather mob spawners with a Silk Touch enchanted tool.
Thanks to @shop1126 for this video which showcases some of the plugin's features.
Was wondering if you can set the spawner to wither skeletons. I have tried several ways but always get "Invalid Spawner type!". Is this mob not supported?
"Unsupported major.minor version 51.0 at" That means the plugin was compiled with java 7 instead of java 6. I must have accidentally exported with java 7 somehow, even though I have it set to use java 6. Sorry, I will make sure the next version is java 6.
You might have some conflicting plugins on your server.
We have installed it and it seems to work great for changing the type of spawner! However no one can silk touch gather them. Not even the OP can do it.
If you don't give permission to set spawners to people you don't trust you should be ok.
can we block certain mobs? I dont want a server full of enderdragons...
Yes!!! Thanks Dude
The Bukkit staff have to approve it. However it is available here:
When will the file be available?
Seems to be ok from my testing. I just uploaded Spawner v1.2 which should work in the latest 1.4.5 RB and 1.4.6 dev builds.
Next I will add a command to give the spawners out.
I updated the source code on github but haven't added a build to download yet.
It now can be built against Bukkit and no longer contains BKCommonLib code. I tried removing all the restrictions for dropping items and whatnot to see how it goes. It seems to be ok from my limited testing so far but I am not quite finished testing everything in it. I will test the rest tomorrow and upload it when I get some more time.
I would do it now but I don't even have Java 1.6 on here because I just got a nice new comp and haven't had time to set it up yet. Feel free to build and test yourself though if you can =)
i will test out devs of the plugin for you
I'm working on updating this to support the ItemMeta API they added and hopefully it will also be able to somehow get around some of the restrictions and bugs. I will test it thoroughly first before I release it.
Monsterbox can do /mbox (mob) idk if it changes the entity
MonsterBox uses eggs to change the type of spawners doesn't it? And doesn't it only drop pig spawners? I tried it a long time ago and it didn't do quite what I wanted.
I will update this when they release a beta or recommended build of CraftBukkit. The dev builds keep breaking things.
Oh btw you could always look at the source code for monsterbox, see how they do it
Nope, it all happend in survival
If you are using it in creative mode it doesn't seem to work properly for some reason. There are some really weird bugs I didn't want to take any more time to try and figure out. This is mentioned in the Known caveats section on the download page.
I don't see how right clicking a spawner gives you an xp bottle. But I will look into it.
It seems to be a bug in CraftBukkit or something which I am working around by disallowing dropping of the spawners. Throwing it down doesn't make it disappear. It's still where it was before, even if you can no longer see it, it should sitll be in your inventory.
It is a workaround to a bug where the spawner would actually just disappear if you open your inventory and pick the spawner up and click outside of your inv to drop it on the ground. Therefore you cannot drop spawners to prevent them from disappearing by doing that. You can place them in a chest or something in order to give them to someone else. I may make an easier way to transfer them such as a command or find a better workaround in the future if the bug doesn't get fixed.
There are plenty of weird bugs like that for some reason with spawners which I had to workaround to try to prevent them from duping or losing their creature type or disappearing.