Spawner v1.8
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UploadedApr 24, 2014
Size58.03 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.7.9-R0.1
Spawner v1.8 - 24 April 2014
- Built against Bukkit 1.7.9-R0.1-SNAPSHOT with Java 1.7. Note that this requires Java 1.7 or higher.
- Added permission node to place spawners. You must add* if you want players to be able to place all spawners.
- Added /spawner remove <entity> [radius] to remove entities.
- Change config bad_entities to valid_entities. Update your config!
- New language, remove/update your language.yml file for new changes or you will get errors!
- Added language for entity names. Supports colour codes.
- Update deprecated code.
- Using our own SpawnerType instead of relying on EntityType for values.
- Added MCStats Metrics.
Spawner v1.7b - 16 May 2013
- Revamp language so it detects empty strings and doesn't send a message.
Spawner v1.6b - 15 May 2013
- Added a config option for bad_entities that will prevent players from setting spawners of those entities.
- Added a config option for protect_from_explosions to protect spawners from blowing up with explosions.
- Added a language file so you can customize the messages.
- Added /spawner reload so you can reload the plugin if you make changes to any of the files.
- Added /spawner help and /spawner list. They display the contents of help.txt and list.txt files so you can customize them.
Spawner v1.5b - 27 April 2013
- Attempted to fix WorldGuard and HawkEye compatibility.
- Miscellaneous code cleanup.
Spawner v1.5a - 22 April 2013
- Added spawner.mine.<entity> (Use spawner.mine.* for all entities)
- Added spawner.break.<entity> (Use spawner.break.* for all entities)
Spawner v1.4 - 25 Feb 2013
- Console can use comand: spawner give <entity> <player>
Spawner v1.3 - 18 Feb 2013
- Permissions have changed!
- Modified the command to be able to optionally give a spawner to yourself or another player: /spawner give <type> [player]
- Added permission nodes to mine and break spawners.
- Added permission to set or give each entity type of spawner.
- Added permission node to get the spawner type by right-clicking or typing /spawner when looking at a spawner.
Spawner v1.2 - 21 Dec 2012
Use new ItemMeta API and build against Bukkit. Should work with CB 1.4.5-R1.0 and 1.4.6.
Spawner v1.1 - 5 Dec 2012
Update for latest CB dev builds. Won't work with CB builds earlier than #2513. Use Spawner 1.0 for those.
Spawner v1.0 - 3 Dec 2012
Initial release.
Doesn't work properly in creative mode.