Spawner v3.0.0-Alpha1-fd653f2
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UploadedSep 24, 2018
Size121.46 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.13
WARNING: This is an alpha release with minimal testing. Documentation is not ready yet. Some features are still missing and some may not be working correctly. Not recommended for production use. Don't blame me if this blows up your server if you choose to use it.
- Tab completion, disabled by default for performance reasons.
- Vault compatibility. Completely untested.
- config.yml - Global options.
- entities.yml - for all the entity level options if you want to override the global options such as drops, frequency, luck, cost, etc.
- commands.yml - for command cost and cooldowns.
- language.yml - for customizing the text like always.
- Migration of config from older versions. Use /spawner config update v1_12_R1 (or v1_10_R1, v1_11_R1) and it will detect and update your config, providing they are in the default locations within the subfolders of those version names. Be sure to update your language.yml Entities section and enable any new entities you want to use in the entities.yml.
- Rewrote command system and many other parts of the plugin.
Please test and report any bugs you find so I can fix them while working towards the full release.