
SparkTrail Particle Effects


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/sparkmenuOpens an inventory based SparkMenu
/sparkShows a help menu and command reference.
/spark listThe Effect List Help Menu.
/spark list <group>List the effects in the specified group.
/spark stopStop the currently activated effect.
/spark <effect>Activates the specified effect.
/spark potion <color>Activates a potion break effect of the specified color.
/spark swirl <color>Activates a potion swirl effect of the specified color.
/spark blockid <id>Activates a block break effect of the specified ID.
/spark itemdrop <color>Activates an item drop effect of the specified ID.
/sparkblockShows the the SparkBlock Help Menu
/sparkblock set <name> <int> <effect>Set an effect to be played on the block in line of sight
/sparkblock set <name> <int> potion <color>Set an effect to be played on the block in line of sight
/sparkblock set <name> <int> blockid <string-type>Set an effect to be played on the block in line of sight
/sparkblock <name> <int>itemdrop <item-id>Set an effect to be played on the block in line of sight
/sparkblock stop <name> <effect-type>Stop a saved effect, leaving it in memory.
/sparkblock start <name> <effect>Start a saved effect
/sparkblock fireworkView the SparkBlock Firework Help Menu
/sparkblock list <group>View the valid SparkBlock effect arguments
/sparkfwShows the SparkFireworks Help Menu
/sparkfw <args>Activate a Firework Effect
/sparkfw player <args>Activate a Firework Effect for another player
/sparkfw helpView help on how to activate a Firework Effect
/sparkfw listList valid SparkFirework arguments
/sparkfw stopStop the current SparkFirework effect
/sparkfw change <old> <new>Change a property to another in the same group for the current Firework Effect
/sparkfw add <new>Add a property to the current Firework Effect
/sparkfw remove <old>Remove a property of the active Firework Effect
/sparkmobView the SparkMob Help menu
/sparkmob <effect>Activate an effect for a mob
/sparkmob firework <args>Activate a firework effect for a mob
/sparkmob potion <color>Activate a potion break effect for a mob
/sparkmob blockid <type>Activate a block break effect for a mob
/sparkmob itemdrop <id>Activate an itemdrop effect for a mob
/sparkmob stopStop the current effect for a mob
/sparkmob deactivateDeactivate the current SparkMob Wand
/sparkmob listList the valid SparkMob effects
/sparkmob firework listList valid Firework arguments
/sparksoundView the SparkSound Help Menu
/sparksound <sound>Play a SparkSound effect
/sparksound login set <sound> <player-name>Set the SparkSound effect to be played at login
/sparksound login remove <player-name>Remove the SparkSound login effect
/sparksound listList available SparkSound effects



Step 1: Install The Plugin

First, download the latest version of the plugin from the files page. Drop this into plugins directory of your server files. Restart your server and check the console for any error messages. If these arise, notify me (DSH105) via ticket or PM. If there are no errors, SparkTrail is good to go!

Step 2: Investigate The Commands

To access the SparkTrail home menu and help reference, type the main command, /spark. This will bring up a menu something like the image shown below. Note that this menu may not look identical in newer versions, as it is likely that more commands will be added in the future.


Note down the commands listed on this page, as these need to be remembered in order to activate the effects (especially when activating different types).

Step 3: Discover The Effect Types

Type /spark list to view the 4 different groups of sparks. These groups can be inserted into the command line to view a large list of colors and effect types available in the plugin.

For example, to view the main effects list, enter /spark list other.

The command /spark list potion will display the potion break effect colors.

The list menus are formatted in the following way: Name of the effect (Command Name)

Step 4: Apply An Effect

The Command Name mentioned in the above step can be substituted into the command line to activate certain effects. At the bottom of each list menu, the correct syntax for activating all effect types in the above list is shown.

For example, at the bottom of the main effects list, the syntax is shown as: /spark <effect>. If the fire effect was to be substituted into the command, it would look like this: /spark fire. The experience orb effect consequently be /spark orb

Activating the fire effect would output the following message into chat:


Potion effects can be activated using the command /spark potion <color>. This is also shown in the list menu.

For example, a green potion effect could be activated using the command /spark potion green.

The command /spark swirl <color> activates a Potion Swirl effect of the specified color. It is similar to the potion effect command. The rainbow potion swirl effect is one of the most advanced SparkTrail effects, alternating potion swirl colors every second. This can be applied using the command /spark swirl rainbow.

Block break effects of all Minecraft Block IDs can be applied to the feet of the player. The command to activate this is /spark blockid <type>. All arguments found in the BlockID list can be substituted into this command.

For example, to activate a block break effect for a glass block, the command to enter would be /spark blockid diamondblock.

Item Drop effects, similar to the block break effects can be applied above the player. The command to activate an item drop effect is /spark itemdrop <id>. As with the block break effects, Block IDs can be substituted into the command.

For example, entering /spark itemdrop 399 would activate the Nether Star Item Drop Effect. Nether Stars would automatically spawn and despawn above the player.

Step 5: Deactivate Or Change The Effect

Each effect command acts as a toggle. To deactivate an effect, simply re-enter the same command used to activate it.

For example, if the fire effect (/spark fire) was active, it could be deactivated by typing /spark fire.

The command /spark stop can also be used to deactivate the current effect, regardless of its type.

If an effect is already active, it can be deactivated and changed with a command.

For example, to change from the fire effect to the hearts effect, simply type /spark hearts.

It's that simple! :P

This method works for all effect types in the plugin.

Step 6: Activating And Changing Effects For Other Players

To activate or change the current effect on another player, enter /spark player <player-name> <effect>. All effects can be substituted into the command, activating or changing the specified effect. By default, both players will be sent a message in chat about the updated effects.

For example, /spark player _DSH105_ swirl red would activate a red swirl effect on the player _DSH105_ if they are online.



The Fireworks particle effect, available in Version 2.2 and above, can be activated in a similar way to other effects. Each command acts as a toggle and automatically deactivates any effects currently active.

Step 1: Investigate The Commands

To view the SparkFireworks Home Menu, type the SparkFireworks command base (/sparkfw) into the chat window. The following window should appear in the chat window.


This menu features all the available commands for activating and deactivating Firework Effects.

Step 2: Activate A Firework Effect

Activating a Firework Effect can be achieved by adding the desired arguments onto the main SparkFireworks Command. These can be in any order and multiple Explosion Colors and Special Effects can be added simultaneously. /sparkfw list will show a list of valid command arguments, as shown below.

Explosion ColorsExplosion TypesSpecial Effects
AllSmall BallFlicker
AquaLarge BallTrail
FuchsiaCreeper Face

For example, /sparkfw creeper lime yellow trail would activate a Lime and Yellow Creeper Face Explosion with the Trail Special Effect.

Step 3: Editing Effects In The Current Firework

Effects can be added once a firework effect is active. This can be achieved through the command /sparkfw add <effect>. Only one effect can be added at a time. The effect argument takes all values in the table above.

For example, /sparkfw add flicker would add the Flicker Special Effect to the current Firework Effect if it is not already active. Note that only one Explosion Type can be active at a time.

Effects can also be removed from a current Firework Effect. It works in an identical way to the add command: /sparkfw remove <effect>.

For example, /sparkfw remove lime would remove the lime color from the current Firework Effect.

Step 4: Change Effects In The Same Group

Effects in the table above can be altered to anything in their respective columns.

For example, the Creeper Face Explosion Type can only be changed to the Small Ball, Large Ball, Star or Burst Explosion Types.

To change an effect, use the command /sparkfw change <old> <new>.

For example, /sparkfw change flicker trail would deactivate the Trail Special Effect and activate the Flicker Special Effect.

Step 4: Stop The Current Firework Effect

Simply type /sparkfw stop to stop the current effect. That's all there is to it!

Step 6: Activating And Changing Firework Effects For Other Players

Similar to the SparkTrail command, to activate or change the current effect on another player, enter /sparkfw player <firework-args>. By default, both players will be sent a message in chat about the updated effects.

For example, /spark player _DSH105_ blue large would activate a Blue Large Ball Firework Effect for the player _DSH105_ if they are online.



SparkMenu is a visual inventory-based interface designed for easy and simplistic activation of the SparkTrail effects. The one and only command, /sparkmenu, can be used to open the SparkMenu inventory, as shown below.


The effects are categorised into three different groups. Hovering the mouse over the icons will display the name of each group.

sparkmenu sparkmenu sparkmenu

The three groups can be opened and closed by left clicking on one of the icons. The effects in that group will appear next to the group icons. Left clicking on an effect icon will activate the chosen effect.




If you are running SparkTrail 2.5.2 and later...

Step 1: Investigate The Commands

The SparkBlock Help Menu can be accessed by entering the main command, /sparkblock. The Help Menu should look similar to the one shown below:


As with the main SparkTrail command, this page is a useful reference for the SparkBlock commands.

Step 2: Save An Effect To Memory

SparkBlock 2.0 now saves all block effects to memory so that they can be loaded in between server restarts.

As some effects cannot be applied to blocks, the SparkBlock effect list may be slightly different to that of the main SparkTrail command base. To view the valid effect types, simply type /sparkblock list <group>. The groups can be found be using /sparkblock list.

For example, /sparkblock list <blockid> will list all the valid block break effect arguments.

To activate an effect, use one of the effect commands found in the Help Menu. The arguments can be found in the list menus and substituted into the appropriate command. The argument after test is the name that the effect will be saved under and is used for referencing the block effect. The argument following the name is the interval the effect is played for. An interval of 0 will keep the effect permanent until manually removed. Effects are activated using the /sparkblock start command, play for the specified length of time and then are stopped. Effects remain in memory for future reference. Permanent effects start automatically when they are created.

For example, /sparkblock set test 0 smoke would apply a permanent smoke effect the the block in line of sight under the name of test and start it automatically.

Effects are applied on the block in the player's line of sight. An unlimited number of effects can be applied to different blocks (depending on your server capacity), making it possible to create interesting and unique combinations.


Firework effects can be set using the command /sparkblock firework set <name> <interval> <properties>. The properties arguments act similar to that of the SparkFirework command. Properties can be in any order and multiple Explosion Colors and Special Effects can be added simultaneously.

For example, /sparkblock set test 5 creeper lime yellow trail would activate a Lime and Yellow Creeper Face Explosion with the Trail Special Effect to be played for 5 seconds. It will not be activated automagically.


Step 3: Start A Saved Effect For The Determined Period Of Time

SparkBlock effects are always saved with an interval. In the step above, a permanent effect was saved and started automatically. Temporary effects, however, must be started using the command /sparkblock start <name> <effect>. The name and effect type must be entered into the command.

For example, /sparkblock start test fire would start a saved Fire effect under the name of test depending on its previously determined interval, as shown above.

Firework Block Effects can be started using /sparkblock firework start <name>.

Step 4: Stopping An Active SparkBlock Effect

Once activated, SparkBlock effects can be stopped using /sparkblock stop <name> <effect>. The effects will remain saved in memory, but will not be active in-game.

For example, /sparkblock stop test ender would stop an active Ender effect under the name of test but leave it saved in memory.

Firework Block Effects can be stopped using /sparkblock firework stop <name>.

Step 5: Remove A SparkBlock Effect From Memory

SparkBlock effects that are either active, saved or both can be removed completely from memory using /sparkblock remove <name> <effect>. Removed effects cannot be recovered or started again.

For example, /sparkblock stop test flame will deactivate and remove a Flame effect under the name of test from memory.

Firework Block Effects can be removed using /sparkblock firework remove <name>.

If you are running versions below SparkTrail 2.5.2...

SparkBlock is an addition to the SparkTrail plugin that supports the adding particle effects to blocks. Usage of SparkBlock is similar to the original set of commands.

Step 1: Investigate The Commands

The SparkBlock Help Menu can be accessed through the command /sparkblock. This is the SparkBlock base command and is used throughout this page. The Menu shown can be seen below.


As with the main SparkTrail command, this page is a useful reference for the SparkBlock commands.

Step 2: Activate An Effect

As some effects cannot be applied to blocks, the SparkBlock effect list may be slightly different to that of the main SparkTrail command base. To view the valid effect types, simply type /sparkblock list <group>. The groups can be found be using /sparkblock list.

For example, /sparkblock list <blockid> will list all the valid block break effect arguments.

To activate an effect, use one of the four effect commands found in the Help Menu. These are:

  • /sparkblock <effect>
  • /sparkblock potion <color>
  • /sparkblock blockid <string-type>
  • /sparkblock itemdrop <item-id>

The arguments can be found in the list menus and substituted into the appropriate command.

For example, /sparkblock smoke would apply the smoke effect.

Effects are applied on the block in the player's line of sight. Activating the Fire effect would output the following message into chat.


It would also apply the fire effect to the block being pointed at by the player.


An unlimited number of effects can be applied to different blocks (depending on your server capacity), making it possible to create interesting and unique combinations.


With new Fireworks support in 2.3, Firework shows can now be created.


Step 3: Stop An Effect

All effects can be disabled with one simple command. /sparkblock stop will disable the current effect of the block in your line of sight.

Step 3: Block Information

The locations of blocks with effects active can also be found using the Location command. The effect types mention above can also be substituted into the /sparkblock loc command.

For example, /sparkblock loc fire will list all the block locations with the fire effect active. In the following picture, one block had the effect active.


/sparkblock loc potion blue will do the same for the blue potion effect.

The SparkBlock Wand can also be used to discover information about the SparkBlock enabled blocks interacted with. The default is a Nether Star, but can be configured in the Configuration File. Right clicking on a block with an effect enabled will show a message similar to the one below.


The /sparkblock confirm command is only active for 10 seconds. If it is entered within the time period the effect will be removed, performing the same action as /sparkblock stop



SparkMob, added in SparkTrail 2.3, allows players to add particle effects to entities other than players.

Step 1: Introduction To SparkMob

All SparkMob commands begin with /sparkmob. The Help Menu can be accessed by entering the SparkMob command without any arguments. The following Help Menu should appear in your chat window.


All effects from the original SparkTrail compilation can be applied to mobs, except for Potion Swirls.

Step 2: Activate An Effect On A Mob

There are two actions that be completed to apply an effect to a Mob. Find the desired effect by entering /sparkmob list. Information on listing the effect types can be found above.

The first step in applying a particle effect to a Mob is to activate the SparkMob Wand. This can be done through the /sparkmob command. It is similar to the /spark and /sparkblock commands.

For example, /sparkmob smoke will activate the Smoke Wand.

A message similar to the one below should appear in chat.


Firework effects can also be applied, using an identical command structure to that of SparkBlock.

/sparkmob firework burst aqua blue flicker will activate an Aqua and Blue Burst Firework with the Flicker effect.

The second step is applying this effect to the desired mob using the SparkMob Wand previously activated. The Wand will stay active and listen for all right clicks on entities until the effect has been applied or the Wand deactivated using /sparkmob deactivate.

Right clicking an entity will deactivate the wand and apply the effect. Doing so on an entity that already has an effect active will automatically change the effect.


Step 3: Deactivate An Effect On A Mob

Effects will automatically be deactivated by SparkTrail if an entity with a particle effect active dies or despawns. However, effects can also be deactivated manually using the SparkMob Wand.

Entering the command /sparkmob stop will activate the wand. Right click an entity with an effect active to stop the current effect.



Added in SparkTrail 2.4, SparkSound handles the playing of over 150 sound effects using a command and on login.

Step 1: Introduction To SparkSound

All SparkSound commands are executed using /sparksound. The Help Menu and Command Reference can be viewed by entering /sparksound without any arguments. The Help Menu will appear in the chat window, as shown below.


Step 2: Play A Sound Effect

Playing an effect is similar to activating a SparkTrail Particle Effect. The sound effect name follows the command base, /sparksound, in one argument only. The complete SparkSound Effect List can be found in-game by entering /sparksound list into chat.

For example, /sparksound enderdragon_growl will play the Enderdragon Growl sound effect.

See The SparkSound Cheat Sheet Here!

Step 3: Setting And Removing Automatic Login Sound Effects

SparkSound can also be configured to play sound effects when certain players log in to the game. Data is stored in sound.yml, which can be found in the same folder as the Configuration File and Messages File. SparkSound Login Effects can be altered from in-game and through the console.

To set a Login Sound Effect, variables must be substituted into the following command: /sparksound login set <sound>. It is important that the sound is spelt correctly.

For example, /sparksound login set wolf_howl will set the Wolf Howl sound to be played when the CommandSender logs in.

Login Sound Effects can be removed by entering /sparksound login remove.

If players have the permissions sparktrail.sparksound.login.set.player and sparktrail.sparksound.login.remove.player, they can set and remove login sound effects for other players. Player names are added at the end of the command.

For example, /sparksound login set ambience_thunder _DSH105_ will set the Thunder sound to be played when _DSH105_ logs in.


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