
	// This is a sample PHP code snipet to connect to a Minecraft Server running
	// the SocketCraft Plugin. You may use this as a starting point to write
	// PHP for your website to be able to communicate to your server.
	// Author: LexLaiden
	// Permission is granted to anyone to use and or modify this code 
	// and distribute it to anyone.
	$HOST = ""; // The IP or Address of your bukkit server.
	$PORT = 12671;                 // The port number to use
	$login= "LexLaiden";           // Set this to your login Case Sensitive
	$password = "YourPassword";    // Set this to your password Case Sensitive
	// Don't touch this section if you don't know what your doing: //
	$sock = @socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)                 //
	or die("error: could not create socket");                     //
	$succ = @socket_connect($sock, $HOST, $PORT)                   //
	or die("error: could not connect to host");                   //
	$command = "login=".$login.";";
	$command .= "password=".$password.";"; 
	// Commands that can be sent to SocketCraft. //
	// CmdConsole= Send a console command. You may use any command that can be typed
	//             in the consol. Returns OK in the result on success.
	// SpecialCmd= Send a Special SocketCraft Command.
	//         @ONLINECOUNT Send request for online player count.
	//                      The count is returned in the results.
	//         @ONLINELIST  Send request for a list of online players.
	//                      The result is a coma separated list of names
	// Begin custom code here.
	// Writing commands we want to send to the server in a string.
	// Separate each command with a semicolon ;
	$command .= "CmdConsole=time day;";           // a console command /time day
	$command .= "fakecmd=Fake;";                    // This will return UNKNOWN fakecmd=Fake
	$command .= "SpecialCmd=@ONLINECOUNT;";         // a special SocketCraft command
	$command .= "SpecialCmd=@ONLINELIST;";          // a special SocketCraft command 
	$command .= "CmdConsole=manuadd LexLaiden Mod;"; // a consol command /manuadd Lexlaiden Mod
	$command .= "\n"; // end with a newline THIS IS A MUST.
	 // send all commands
	 @socket_write($sock, $command)
	or die("error: failed to write to socket");

	// Now loop and get results of your commands Until we get "endSocketCraftSession\n"
	// Possible return values are
	// UNKNOWN <error info>
	// ERROR <error info>
	// OK
	// <depends on SpecialCmd used>
		// Lets get rid of the \n at the end of the result
		// Add each result to an array so we may access them as needed.

	// Lets make sure we logged in ok if not index zero will = "LOGINERROR"
		//Wrong Login
		echo "Wrong login or Password!";
		// We can check out results with a zero based index
		// Lets get the Online Player Count. This was the third command we sent so
		// on a zero base 0, 1, 2  : 2 is the index of the third command so...
		// First make sure we did not get and error for this command.
			//Here you could handle what to do if you got an error or unknown returnd on this command
			//No Error or Unknown so get the value.
			echo "There are ".$results[2]." Players online.<br>";
	// We are done!
}catch(Exception $e){
    echo $e->getMessage();