- My IGN: DimensioX, my youtube name is MixMasterWright
- Estimated Update Release date: TBA
- This plugins use was to essentially utilize the particle effects that bukkit has to offer mainly the smoke and fire particles(hence the name, but now it has a whole lot more than that). When you walk it will leave a trail of smoke and fire behind you hence the name. The trail can not be seen if you have particle effects turned off and it will not bother any anti-cheating plugins.
- Commands:
- /trail opens up the GUI to activate any of the trails you have permission for
- /trail smoke will leave a trail of smoke behind you
- /trail fire will leave a trail of fire behind you and
- /trail ender will leave a trail of ender particles behind you
- /trail flowers will leave a trail of flowers behind you(you can't pick them up and they will despawn on their own)
- /trail loot will leave a trail of goodies behind you
- /trail star will leave a trail of stars behind you
- /trail crit will leave a trail of critical blows behind you
- /trail sweat will make you feel like taking a hike
- /trail blood will leave a trail of bloodshed behind you
- /trail sparks will leave a trail of sparks behind you.
- /trail breadcrumb will leave a trail of crumbs behind you. Hansel and Gretel approved!
- /trail magma will leave a trail of destruction behind you.
- /trail letters will leave a trail of knowledge around you.
- /trail anger will make you want to punch a kitten
- /trail happy will leave you feeling green
- /trail magic will make you feel like Harry Potter
- /trail music will make you feel harmonious
- /trail clouds will have you sleeping on them
- /trail multi will let you have multiple trails at once!(if you have permission for the trail)
- /trail list will list all the current trails
- /trail off turns off all trails You can use all commands on other players using /trail command playername; it has to be the exact name case sensitive. For /trail multi you just do /trail multi trail1, trail2, etc.
- Permissions:
- smoketrail.use.smoke: for the /trail smoke command
- for the /trail fire command
- smoketrail.use.ender: for the /trail ender command
- smoketrail.use.hearts: for the /trail hearts command
- for the /trail flowers command
- smoketrail.use.loot: for the /trail loot command
- for the /trail star command
- smoketrail.use.sweat: for the /trail sweat command
- smoketrail.use.crit: for the /trail crit command
- for the /trail flowers command
- smoketrail.use.breadcrumb: for the /trail breadcrumb command
- smoketrail.use.sparks: for the /trail sparks command
- smoketrail.use.magma: for the /trail magma command
- smoketrail.use.blood: for the /trail blood command
- smoketrail.use.clouds: for the /trail clouds command
- smoketrail.use.anger: for the /trail anger command
- for the /trail music command
- smoketrail.use.magic: for the /trail magic command
- smoketrail.use.letters: for the /trail letters command
- smoketrail.use.happy: for the /trail happy command
- for the /trail off command
- smoketrail.multi: for the /trail multi command
- You can use smoketrail.use.* for all commands and smoketrail.other.trail name for usage on other players like smoketrail.other.ender. Or just use smoketrail.other.* For the multi trail it's just smoketrail.multi. The global permission is smoketrail.all
- Custom Messages format: You can use it just like essentials chat colors. Just don't mess with the enabled/disabled or it will break and I will be upset. For a reference use this:
- Metrics Collection
This plugin utilises Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to
- A unique identifier
- The server's version of Java
- Whether the server is in offline or online mode
- The plugin's version
- The server's version
- The OS version/name and architecture
- The core count for the CPU
- The number of players online
- The Metrics version Opting out of this service can be done by editing plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml and changing opt-out to true.
@XxZangoranxX The config file must not have generated correctly then because that's how the trails work, and you can give other players trails by using doing /trail <trail name> <player name>
And I'm not too sure about what you mean by does it work with Buycraft. If you can add permission through Buycraft then yes. Otherwise I'm not too sure.
Also could you add a option to give a trail to another player like /trail {username} letters? And does this work with buycraft?
When I stop my server then open it back up again every player that had a trail was gone.
Unfortunately, no. In order to cut down on filesize and maintain the simple usage of plugin I'll only have it through chat commands. It can easily be set up with a ton of GUI/Command plugins since every command is like a toggle. This one for example will work:
@MineLab I'll add that to the list of things I'll add in the next update. Thanks!
Easy feature to add:
Change message "[Smoke Trail] Your effect is turned off" when you do /trail off !
Can you add a simple click menu ?
I made a french video ... :D !
I uploaded the update a few days ago but nobody has checked it out so people be patient. :|
EDIT: Special thanks to all the people making youtube videos on SmokeTrail, it really means a lot!
The version of bukkit you're using doesn't match the version that the plugin supports, the latest versions have support for most(if not all) versions of bukkit.
Hi, error in the version "Smoke Trail V 3.3 CB 1.5.1-R0.1". Currently my server is in versión 1.5.2. A greeting
Made a tutorial/showcase it'd be cool if you feature it above!
You can turn on a trail for another player and make sure they don't have permission to turn it off.
Can you make a permission node like smoketrail.trail.<trail> and that will make the group or user that has that permission node have that trail where they can't turn it off, have multi, or switch trails?
The Dev is working on the fix. just stick with a older version you should be fine.
That is odd to say the least since the error code is commonly found when trying to get a players name.
But that doesn't really make sense. Everything works except breadcrumbs =P
Names are currently broken in Bukkit terms(it's how players actually get their trails and how you're sent messages), I'm working on a better way to handle it though.
@zachrywilsn: Go
An internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command
I have a same mistake with you