
SmartBans v1.0.2


This plugin offers a 100% customizable message for banned players, check out the example ban message below!

When you ban or temporarily ban player, it will store their name, who banned them, the ban reason, and how long they're banned. This uses UUIDs for banning so you don' t have to worry about players changing their username to dodge the ban.

Example ban message:


To install this plugin, simply download it and put it in the plugins folder on your server. After that, restart it to generate the files.


This section will provide more information on what each option in the config does.

  • already-banned | The message that displays to the sender when they try to ban a player that is already banned
  • ban-check-message | The message that is displayed when the sender types /check <player>.
  • ban-exempt | The message that is displayed when the sender tries to ban a player that has the permission nodesmartbans.exempt AND the sender does NOT have the permission node smartbans.override.
  • ban-message | The message shown to the banned player when they are banned, or when they try to join the server and are still banned.
  • default-perm | The message that will show in ban length if the player is permanently banned.
  • default-reason | The message that will show if a ban reason isn't specified.
  • expired-ban | If a player's temp ban expires it will show this message in the unbanned-by section in the prev-banned.yml file.
  • no-time | If a player is banned for 0d/0h/etc it will say this instead of being blank.
  • player-not-found | If the specified username doesn't exist this message will be displayed to the sender.
  • player-not-banned | When the sender either tries to unban a player or checks a player that isn't banned, this message will be displayed to them.
  • perm-banned-notif | The notification shown in chat when a player is permanently banned to players that have the permission node smartbans.notify
  • temp-banned-notif | The notification shown in chat when a player is temporarily banned to players that have the permission node smartbans.notify
  • unban-notif | The notification shown in chat when a player is unbanned to players that have the permission node smartbans.notify


How to use

You can use variables in the config.yml and they will be replaced with other things. An example would be %player% would be replaced with a player's name. Below is a list of variables and how they are used

  • %player% | Replaced by player's name. Will be the target player, not the sender.
  • %NL% | Starts new line.
  • %banned-by% | Replaced by name of player who banned the target player (Will say CONSOLE if banned by console).
  • %ban-length% | Amount of time remaining on ban.
  • %reason% | Reason for ban.
  • %unbanned-by% | Replaced by name of player who unbanned the target player (Will say CONSOLE if unbanned by console).

Where to use

Certain variables work with certain strings. This is shown below.

  • %player% | already-banned, ban-check-message, ban-exempt, player-not-found, player-not-banned, perm-banned-notif, temp-banned-notif, unban-notif
  • %NL% | ban-check-message, ban-message, perm-banned-notif, temp-banned-notif, unban-notif
  • %banned-by% | ban-check-message, ban-message, perm-banned-notif, temp-banned-notif
  • %ban-length% | ban-check-message, ban-message, perm-banned-notif, temp-banned-notif, unban-notif
  • %reason% | ban-check-message, ban-message, perm-banned-notif, temp-banned-notif
  • %unbanned-by% | unban-notif


  • smartbans.ban | Gives access to the command /ban.
  • smartbans.check | Allows user to check the details of banned players (reason, who banned them, length of ban).
  • smartbans.exempt | Exempt from being banned, generally give this to staff members.
  • smartbans.notify | Be notified in chat when someone is banned/tempbanned.
  • smartbans.override | Allows you to ban players that have the permission node smartbans.exempt. This would generally be kept for OP'ed players, head admins, etc.
  • smartbans.tempban | Gives access to the command /tempban.
  • smartbans.unban | Gives access to the command /unban.

Command Usage

  • /ban <player> <reason> | You can ban a player and specify the reason. If no reason is entered, it will use the default one from the config.
  • /check <player> | Shows reason player was banned, who banned them, and how long they're banned for.
  • /tempban <player> <length> <reason> | Similar to /ban. The <length> allows you to specify days, hours, minutes, and seconds separated by a comma. Here's an example: /tempban oceantheskatr 2d,3h,1m,20s Making a cool plugin! This would temporarily ban "oceantheskatr" for 2 days, 3 hours, 1 minute, and 20 seconds with the reason "Making a cool plugin!"
  • /unban <player> | Unban players. they will be moved from the ban list to the previously-banned list. This stores all previous bans so that you are able to see if a player has been banned before. It will also add who unbanned them in addition to the ban reason, length, and who banned them.

Current Features

  • 100% customizable message for players that try joining when they're banned.
  • UUID-based bans
  • Ban any player you want, even if they've never joined your server!
  • Store the ban reason, ban length, and who banned the player.

Planned Features

  • /banlist to have a visual representation of banned players in a GUI

Requests are welcome!


If you like my work and want to support what I do, this is my PayPal donation link: :)


View download page for an up-to-date changelog!


If you run in to any errors, please submit a ticket or direct message me instead of leaving a negative comment :)


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Oct 28, 2015
  • Last Released File
    Sep 9, 2016
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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