Slimefun v3.2.5
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UploadedDec 8, 2014
Size320.66 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.7.9-R0.2
The full Change Log can be seen here:
Version 3.2.5
+ Added Soul Forge
+ Added Broken Spawners
+ Added Reinforced Spawners
- Bug Fixes
You can no longer place Backpacks when using Spigot
The Pickaxe of Containment is now working again
- The Pickaxe of Containment now drops Broken Spawners instead of regular Spawners.
Version 3.2.4
- Bug Fixes
Fixed Compressor
Fixed Smeltery
Fixed Pickaxe of Vein Mining applying Fortune to Iron/Gold Ore
When breaking Solar Panels, you now get actual Solar Panels instead of Daylight Sensors
- You can no longer put Slimefun Items into Workbenches
Version 3.2.3
- Bug Fixes
Fixed EXP-Exploit when using the Pickaxe of Containment
Fixed an Error occuring when using the Portable Enchanter
Fixed Wither Skull dropping when using the Sword of Beheading
Fixed Item Registration (Now shows the proper number of Slimefun Items)
Version 3.2.2
- Bug Fixes
Fixed an Error occuring when you click an Item in the Guide which you have already unlocked
Fixed the Magnet Recipe
Version 3.2.1
- Bug Fixes
You can now take Backpacks out of Backpacks but you cannot put Backpacks into Backpacks
Version 3.2.0
+ Added Juicer
+ Added Capacitors
+ Added Apple Juice
+ Added Melon Juice
+ Added Carrot Juice
- Locked Items are now indicated by a red stained Glass Pane instead of an empty map
- You can no longer put Backpacks into Backpacks
Version 3.1.11
+ Added Earthquake Effect (FallindSand entities) to the Seismic Axe
Version 3.1.10
+ Added Seismic Axe
+ Added Soulbound Sword
+ Added Soulbound Bow
+ Added Soulbound Pickaxe
+ Added Soulbound Axe
+ Added Soulbound Shovel
+ Added Soulbound Hoe
+ Added Soulbound Helmet
+ Added Soulbound Chestplate
+ Added Soulbound Leggings
+ Added Soulbound Boots
+ Added Pickaxe of Vein Mining
+ Added Jet Boots
+ Added Armored Jet Boots
- Bug Fixes
Fixed the Permissions System
Fixed an issue with Sensible Toolbox
Fixed the Pickaxe of the Seeker
Fixed Recipes being added for disabled Items
Version 3.1.9
+ Added Necrotic Skull
+ Added Essence of Afterlife
+ Added Soulbound Backpack
- Bug Fixes
Fixed a compatibility issue with Multiworld-plugins
Version 3.1.8
+ Added Nickel Ingot
+ Added Cobalt Ingot
+ Added Cobalt Pickaxe
+ Added Magnet
+ Added Infused Magnet
- Bug Fixes
Fixed an Error occuring when you disable Machines
Version 3.1.7
+ Added Autonomous Hoe
+ Added Autonomous Flint and Steel
- Bug Fixes
Fixed a Duplication Bug with the Autonomous Pickaxe
Fixed the Permissions System for Items
Version 3.1.6
- Bug Fixes
Fixed an Error occuring when you disable Talismans or their Researches
Version 3.1.5
- Bug Fixes
Fixed the "Not researched" message occuring when you are walking
Fixed an Error with disabled Multiblocks.
Version 3.1.4
+ Added Tier 2 Talismans
- Bug Fixes
Fixed a Duplication Bug with Talismans
Version 3.1.3
- Bug Fixes
Fixed the Jetpack Sound still playing after dying/reconnecting
Fixed the Autonomous Pickaxe Research
Fixed the Heavy Armor Research
Fixed the Parachute creating lag after dying/reconnecting
Version 3.1.2
- Bug Fixes
Fixed an Error with the Autonomous Pickaxe
Version 3.1.1
- You can now also get Gold Dust by putting normal Gold Ingots into an Ore Crusher
Version 3.1
+ Added Heavy Metal Armor
+ Added Armored Jetpack
+ Added Gilded Backpack
+ Added Autonomous Pickaxe
+ Added Crucible
- Fixed Bleeding and Leg Breaking in disabled Worlds
- Changed the Prefix to Slimefun >
- Each Jetpack Tier now has a different Thrust
Version 3.0.12
+ Added a few more Item Documentations
- Bug Fixes
You can no longer place Energy Cells
Version 3.0.11
+ Added Woven Backpack
+ Added Ingame Documentation (Unfinished, only 5 Items are documented so far but you can add/edit Item Documentations in the Items.yml)
- Bug Fixes
You can no longer place Backpacks
You can no longer place Circuit Boards
Fixed a Server Crash when using the Boots of the Stomper nearby Players who are also wearing them
Version 3.0.10
- Bug Fixes
You can no longer put a Backpack into itself
Version 3.0.9
+ Added Backpack - Small
+ Added Backpack - Medium
+ Added Backpack - Large
+ Added Pickaxe of the Seeker
+ Added Boots of the Stomper
+ Added Automated Panning Machine
+ The Portable Enchanter can now enchant from Level 1 to 30
- Bug Fixes
Fixed Loading of Addon Recipes
Version 3.0.8
+ Added Messages informing you whether you have done something wrong using a Machine.
Version 3.0.7
- You can now disable Ore Doubling in the Items.yml
Version 3.0.6
- Fixed a Duplication Bug with the Enhanced Crafting Table
- Fixed the Multi Tools
Version 3.0.5
- Fixed a Bug that some Recipes in the ECT were not working...
Version 3.0.4
- Fixed an Explosive Pickaxe Dupe Glitch
Version 3.0.3
+ Added a Blacklist to the Explosive Pickaxe
- Bug Fixes
Version 3.0.2
+ Added Composter
+ Added Farmer Shoes
+ Added Explosive Pickaxe
+ Added Enhanced Crafting Table
- Fixed Slime Steel Boots
- Most Items now require an Enhanced Crafting Table instead of a Workbench
- Some steps for future 1.8 Compatibility (if Bukkit survives...)
Version 3.0.1
- Fixed a Bug that made you unable to use MultiBlocks that are not 3x3
Version 3.0
- Completely rewritten
- Researches now take a while
- Updated API, now easier
+ Added /sf stats
+ Added 200+ new Items and Machines (too many to list)
Version 2.2
• Updated to 1.7.2
Version 2.1
+ Added Uber Upgrade: Spider Climb
+ Added Uber Upgrade: Armor-Repair
+ Added Uber Upgrade: Disco
+ Added Uber Upgrade: Arrow Reflector
+ Added Uber Upgrade: Fire Resistance
+ Added Uber Upgrade: Regeneration
+ Added Uber Upgrade: Resistance
+ Added Uber Upgrade: Absorption
+ Added Uber Upgrade: Milk Module
+ Added Uber Upgrade: Strength
+ Added Uber Upgrade: Double Jump
+ Added Uber Upgrade: Fast Digging
+ Added Uber Upgrade: Feeder
+ Added Ore Washer
+ Added Iron Chunk
+ Added Gold Chunk
• Bug Fixes
• Fixed Slimefun API, full tutorial will follow soon!
• Rewritten Research Storage, should fix all Bugs ;)
- Removed Donator Swords :(
Version 2.0
+ Added Uber armor
+ Added Uber Upgrade System
+ Added Uber Upgrade: Jetpack
+ Added Uber Upgrade: Glider
+ Added Uber Upgrade: Ender Fake
+ Added Uber Upgrade: Scuba
+ Added Uber Upgrade: Night Vision
+ Added Uber Upgrade: Kinetic Legs
+ Added Uber Upgrade: Jump Assist
+ Added Uber Upgrade: Long Fall
+ Added Villagers
+ Added Villager: Lost Merchant
+ Added Villager: Quest Villager
+ Added Villager: Lost Blacksmith
+ Added lightweight configurable Quest System
+ Added Currency
+ Added Shop System
+ Added Slime Gem
+ Added Miner's Compass
+ Added Nano Focus
• Rewritten Guide System
+ Added Categories in the Guide
• Made the Slimefun Guide API easier
+ Added Researching
+ Added Research Notes in the Book Binder
+ Added Ink of Knowledge
- Removed Tabnames
- Removed TabColors
- Removed Join-Messages
- Removed Leave-Messages
- Removed /explode
- Removed /nausea
- Removed /port
+ Added Smeltery
+ Added Book Binder Multiblock
+ Added Diamond of Duplicating
+ Added Hook
+ Added Chain
+ Added Grappling Hook
+ Added Fortune Cookies
+ Added Steel Plate
• Moved the Steel Recipe to the new Smeltery System
• Some Slimefun Commands can now be executed by CommandBlocks and Console
+ Added /sf research
+ Added /sf villagers
+ Added /sf killnpc
• Completely rewritten the whole Slimefun API, so it's now very easy to add Researches and Items
+ Added World Generation of huts
+ Added loot chest in huts
Version 1.8
+ Bug fixes
+ Added Multi Tool
+ Added Emerald of Repairing
+ Added Sword of Beheading
Version 1.7.3
+ Bug fixes
+ Some internal changes and clean up
Version 1.7.2
+ Bug fixes
+ Nerfed nano tools, saber and Qunatum armor
+ Some internal changes (f.e. new packages)
Version 1.7.1
+ Updated to the latest build of bukkit
+ Some internal changes
Version 1.7
+ Added Uber Meat
+ Added Magical Lumps
+ Added Ender Lumps
+ Added Crystal Of Repairing
+ Added Ender Crystal Of Repairing
+ Added Magic Sugar
+ Added Partially Golden Apple
+ You can now press TAB when using the /sf command
Version 1.6
+ Added /sf tabname
+ Added Parachute
+ Added Nano Axel
+ Added 2 new optional recipes
+ Added Donation guide
+ Some tweaks on Super meat
+ Some tweaks on the jetpack
+ Slimefun is now compatible with PlotME
+ Added the ability that Admins can see vanished Players
+ Made the nano recipes cheaper
Version 1.5.7
+ Some tweaks
+ Added /sf team which shows you the heads of the slimefun team
+ The String recipe now works for all wool colors
Version 1.5.6
+ Bug fixes (I know, I say it every update,but there are so many bugs :P )
Version 1.5.5
+ Yep, you can guess it: many many bug fixes
+ Added /sf commands
+ /help slimefun looks now like /sf
Version 1.5.4
+ again many many bug fixes
+ The first Release of the Slimefun version 1.5 (nearly bug-free ;D )
Version 1.5.3
+ many many many Bug fixes again 0.0
Version 1.5.2
- Removed the Author join-message
Version 1.5.1
- You can't cheat Arrows anymore using the nano saber :P
Version 1.5
+ Added Slimefun guide
+ Added Jetpack
+ Added Portable Jukebox
+ Added Welcome-messages
+ Bug fixes
+ Added a new language: german
+ ...
Version 1.4
+ Added the Portable Book binder
+ Added the Book binder crafting system
+ Added the Tome of homeland
+ Added music playing on join
+ Added announce-running on join
+ Added Metrics
+ Added /slimefun or /sf
+ Added /sf items and /sf armor
+ Renamed /sfreload to /sf reload
+ Added tool tips
+ much more
- Removed Butter
- Removed Book of heads
- Removed /destroy
- Removed /invincible
- Removed /lightning
Version 1.3.3
+ Fixed the version number in the plugin.yml
+ Added an @SupressWargning(unused) in the onEnable() part (which is only important for me)
+ Bug fixes
Version 1.3.2
+ Added auto-update feature (You can enable/disable it in the config)
+ The following files will contain a v in front of the version number
+ Bug fixes
Version 1.3.1
+ Bug fixes
Version 1.3
+ Added Tool bench
+ Added Portable Tool bench
+ Added the "simple circuit board" which is dropped from Iron golems and is used for crafting the Quantumarmor
+ Added 13 Tool bench Recipes
+ Bug fixes
+ Made the Portable Crafter Recipe shapeless
- Removed Quantumarmor Recipe
- Removed NanoSuit Recipe
- Removed Slimesuit Recipe
- Removed Enchantments from the books (for example: portable Crafter,Book of Heads,etc.)
- Removed Enchantment from Super meat
Version 1.2.1
+ Many Many Bug fixes
+ Fixed all NullPointerExceptions from 1.2
Version 1.2
+ Some Bug fixes
+ Custom Colors in join/Leave messages
+ Sound configuration
+ The Staff Team has it's own configurable Join/Leave message
+ New Recipe for the Quantumarmor
+ Added the SlimeSuit
+ Slimefun is now with Java 6 compatible
Version 1.1.1
+ Some Bug fixes
+ Butter (A little easteregg on eastern)
Version 1.1
+ Nano pickaxe
+ Nano Saber
+ Nano hoe
+ Quantumarmor
+ permissions for the Invinsibility tome
Version 1.0
+ custom Join and Leave messages
+ Firework on Join and Death
+ Message when the owner is coming
+ NanoSuit
+ Supermeat
+ Portable dustbin, crafter and enchanter
+ ender backpack
+ invisibility tome
+ Book of teleporting
+ Book of heads
+ /destroy
+ /explode
+ /port
+ /milk
+ /sfreload
+ /invincible
+ /nausea
+ /lightning