
Using this plugin on your server, players with the necessary permissions will be able to stop slimes from spawning in a slime chunk, useful for when your base is being over-run by the buggers.

If you also install my other plugin 'SlimeChunkDetector', you will be able to locate slime chunks in your SMP world and then disable them if need be.


To disable a slime chunk from spawning:

  • Locate a slime chunk
  • Stand on any block inside that chunk and type:
  • /scd disableSlime

To re-enable a previously disabled slime chunk:

  • Locate the slime chunk
  • While standing on any block inside of it, type:
  • /scd enableSlime

To see what status a slime chunk is (either disabled or enabled):

  • Locate a slime chunk
  • While standing on any block inside of it, type:
  • /scd info


Using your permissions plugin of choice, make sure the player or group has the permission 'scd.canuse', if they don't, they won't be able to use any of the plugins.

Reason for creating

This plugin was created because several of the players on my server created their bases where they wanted to, without fully realising that it was either inside or partially inside or even next to a slime chunk(s).

Slime chunks are awesome if they are in the place you want them, but if part of your base is inside of it, it can be a nuisance, so i created the plugin to allow our players to disable the slime chunk, thus freeing them of the annoyance that is slimes inside their bases.


v0.1 - initial creation of plugin - all main mechanics are there, disabling, enabling, info, permissions support. - may be missing some features that i haven't thought of yet.


This plugin requires MySQL.


To use this plugin, you need to have a MySQL server with a database for it.

The plugin automatically creates a default configuration file (config.yml), you just need to modify it so that it knows about your MySQL server.

mysql_server: <ip address of the server or just 'localhost'>
mysql_port: '3306'
mysql_user: <mysql username>
mysql_pass: <mysql password>
mysql_database: <database name>
mysql_slime_disable_table: <table to store the chunk data in>
mysql_table_prefix: <prefix for the tables>

Example configuration

mysql_server: localhost
mysql_port: '3306'
mysql_user: root
mysql_pass: ''
mysql_database: slime_disable
mysql_slime_disable_table: slime_chunks
mysql_table_prefix: sd_


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