SkyWarsReloaded v2
This is the new SkyWarsReloaded Resource page, Walrusone has decided to not pursue development of this plugin. He gave me permission to take it over. From 2.8.1-> 2.9 I will be only doing bug fixes. Version 3.0 will be a re-code of the entire plugin. This should reduce the amount of bugs and make it more efficient.
Version 3.0 recode in progress... This new version will make the plugin more efficient and less buggy. Recode should be done by the end of this month.
SkyWarsReloaded is a complete rebuild of the original skywars using a world base map system instead of schematics.
VERSION 2.8.4 HAS BEEN RELEASED Compiled in Java 7 to add more support. VERSION 2.8.3 HAS BEEN RELEASED Fixed NMS handler, now supports versions 1.7-1.8.8 VERSION 2.8.2 HAS BEEN RELEASED Fixed Health not restoring after games. VERSION 2.8.1 HAS BEEN RELEASED Fixed players falling through glass Spectators are now given gamemode Spectator. (Broke SpecShop) Added /leave command. Needs to be Enabled and added to whitelist in existing configs. Added Config option Default: Code (Text): gameSettings: leaveCommand: false
If you already have a configured config, you need to add /leave to the command & spectate whitelist. Closed some open instances to maybe prevent memory leaks Removed Maven for now. Known Issues/bugs: Spectator Shop is now broke due to the needed spectator mode. Will be fixing it in the next version. Spectator are allowed to spectate everyone. IMPORTANT: IF YOU ARE USING A PRE 1.8 BUILD OF SPIGOT. You will have to edit the Message.yml and make sure all scoreboard names are shorter than 16 characters. If not the game will through an error.
Permissions: - Allows use of join, quit, kit, and stats command. swr.spectate - Allows a player to use the spectate command. swr.opchest – Allows the player to vote for OP chests in the game options. swr.timevote – Allows the player to vote for time of day in the game options. swr.jumpvote – Allows the player to vote for time of day in the game options. swr.weathervote - Allows the player to vote for weather in the game optons. swr.usecolor - Allows players to change their glass color in the game options. swr.useeffect - Allows playesr to change their particle effects in the game options. swr.useprojeffect - Allows a player to change the projectile trial effects in the game options. swr.signs – Allows the player to create and destroy swr signs. - Allows the player to use global chat. swr.start - Allows the players to use the /swr start command. - Allows a player to use the shop command. swr.spectateshop - Allows a player to use the spectator shop. swr.admin - Allows use of setspawn, games, endgame, reload, addpoints, removepoints, setglass, seteffect, and setprojeffect commands. swr.ignoreLobbyGuard - Allows the player to ignore the lobby guard (make changes to the lobby world) -gives the player the VIP Multiplier swr.maps - Allows use of all map commands. swr.kit.<kitname> - Allows a player to use a kit.<kitname> - Allows a player to get a kit for free even if it costs balance swr.permkits -allows a player to buy permanent kits (permanent kit price can be set in the <kitname>.yml. swr.color - Allows a player to use color chat. swr.colorshop - Allows the player to buy glass colors. swr.colorglass.<glasscolor> - Allows a player to use a certain glass color. This permission is given to the player when they buy a color. (all the colors are listed and the prices can be changed in the glasscolors.yml). swr.effectshop - Allows players to buy particle effects. swr.effect.<effectname> - Allows a player to use a certain particle effect. This permission is given to the player when they buy a particle effect. (all the effects are listed and the prices can be changed in the particleeffects.yml). swr.projeffectshop - Allows a player to buy Projectile Trail effects. swr.projeffect.<effectname> - Allows a player to use a certain trail effect. This permission is given to the player when they buy a trail effect. (all the effects are listed and the prices can be changed in the projectileeffects.yml).
/swr join - Allows a player to join a game. The player is put in a queue and teleported to the lobby once the minimum number of players has joined the game /swr quit - Allows the player to leave a joined game. /swr start - Allows the player to force start a game. /swr kit - Allows a player to open the kit menu. /swr menu - Opens the lobby menu in Lobby and Options menu in game. /swr shop - Opens a in-game shop. /swr glassshop - Opens a menu where players can purchase glass colros. /swr permkitshop - Opens a menu where players can purchase permanent kits. /swr particleshop - Opens the particle effects shop /swr trialshop - Opens the trail effects shop /swr stats - Allows a player to view their skywars stats /swr setspawn - Sets the spawn point where players are returned to on game quit /swr spectate - Allows a user to spectate games in progress. /swr reload - Reloads the config, chest.yml and kits /swr list - List all maps currently available and indicates whether or not they are registered /swr create <mapname> - Creates a map named <mapname> /swr save <mapname> - Saves a map named <mapname> if it is currently being edited /swr edit <mapname> - Edits the map named <mapname> /swr delete <mapname> - Deletes the map named <mapname>. /swr register <mapname> - Attempts to register a map named <mapname>. /swr unregister <mapname> - Unregisters a map named <mapname>. /swr games - List all games currenlty in progress (Game Number, MapName, Number of Players) /swr endgame <gamenumber> - Ends the selected game (Use "all" to end all games) /swr addpoints <playername> <points> - Adds points to the player. /swr removepoints <playername> <points> - Removes points from the player. /swr setglass <playername> <color> - Sets a players glass color. /swr seteffect <playername> <effect> - Sets a players particle effect. /swr setprojeffect <playername> <effect> - Sets a players particle effect. /g - Used for global chat! /leave - Leaves SkyWarsReloaded Game
Tutorial pleas!!
WOW I wish I had of seen this 4 days ago :(
In reply to Anemul: