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# ####################################################### ## Skyoseasons Configuration ## Check ## for more informations. ## ####################################################### #name: Winternext: Springmessage: '&fIt is Winter, say welcome to the snow !'title: enable: true message: '&7WINTER' subtitle: '&fWe''re in Winter !' fade-in: 10 stay: 70 fade-out: 20default-biome: ICE_FLATSreplacements: MESA: MESA DESERT: DESERTresource-pack-url: NONEday: length: 4500 message: enable: true message: '&fBrrrr... Winter days are so rude !'night: length: 2700 message: enable: true message: '&fNights are so cold in Winter...'can-rain: truealways-rain: truecancel-auto-snow-placing: truesnow-melt: enable: false eternal-y: 60 max-delay: 60months: number: 3 message: '&fThe cold month of /month/ is here...'protocollib: snow-placer: enable: true allow-stacks: true max-delay: 60 forbidden-blocks: - ICE forbidden-biomes: - DESERT
OK so I found out why.
13.01 18:05:57 [Server] INFO Enabling Skyoseasons v4.1.1 13.01 18:05:57
[Server] INFO ProtocolLib hook for CB v1_9_R1 cannot be found ! 13.01 18:05:57
[Server] WARN ProtocolLib was not found (or the hook has been disabled).
Please note that this plugin may not work properly without ProtocolLib.
However, I HAVE Protocolib Installed, I went from here:
I downloaded this type: If you're running 1.8, 1.9, or 1.10, use the latest release.
I have it enabled in seasons config file, and in winter season itself, but it's not hooking? I just don't know what "hooking" means really so I am confused atm as to why this is not working.
My server jar version: Spigot1.9 Build#49
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