This plugin will add a replacement for the default skylands world generator, the one in the game was never finished.
Stuff that this generator has that the default skylands doesn't:
- Day-night cycle
- Weather
- Normal biomes
- All mobs
- All ores
Bug Reports / Suggestions
If you find a bug, encounter a problem or have a suggestion, please fill out a ticket via the Tickets link above. I do not have the time to read through the comments section, any comment that fits the previous three categories will be ignored.
Promo Video
How do I use it ?
Don't want to watch the awesome video ? Fine, here are the basic commands.
/mv create skylands normal -g SkylandsPlus
Or a skylands style Nether like this
/mv create skylands nether -g SkylandsPlus
Or a skylands style End like this
/mv create skylands the_end -g SkylandsPlus
Other world management plugins should have similar commands, I use Multiverse on my server which is why I only provide the instructions for that. The documentation for which ever plugin you use should tell you how to do it. You can also add a world by editing the bukkit.yml file, instructions on how to do that can be found on the Bukkit wiki.
prevent-sand-falling: true restrict-mob-spawning: true
prevent-sand-falling - When set to true no sand will fall in skylands worlds.
restrict-mob-spawning - When set to true the number of mobs in a single chunk will be limited to a sane amount in skylands worlds.
Contributions to the project are very much welcome, if you have a feature that you want implemented and know a nice way to do it then consider forking the repo and submitting a pull request. These will be accepted as long as the following simple guidelines are followed.
- Do not edit the structure of the pom.xml file, feel free to add a dependency if you need it but the formatting and structure should not be changed.
- If you are exposing a new API method, add a JavaDoc comment to it, but don't over-comment internal code.
- Follow the existing code style, don't antagonise over every space though !
All dependencies that are used are now available from a public Maven repo, so you don't have to worry about building several other projects just to add a simple change any more.
Source Code
Dev Builds
Changes Since Last Release
Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server. These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.
Builds are updated again for 1.8.7 at same location andrewkm posted below.
@andrewkm Plugin loads correct in 1.8 but when i do: /mv gens i get "An internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command"
/mv create skylands normal -g SkylandsPlus "Invalid generator! 'skylandsplus'. Aborting world creation."
Using "git-Spigot-1d14d5f-7722428(MC: 1.8.3)(Implementing API version 1.8.3-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)
Plugin list: Multiverse, SkylandsPlus
Thanks, but it doesn't work on 1.8.3
Wow, I just started a new server yesterday and thought "man, it'd sure be nice to have an Aether/Skylands world as the main survival world". Go to look it up, come here, and bam!
A few questions, though; Do diamonds generate normally? I can't seem to find any with WorldEdit, even when doing mass replace actions in a 200-block radius. Also, are all the 1.8 biomes and blocks in at this point?
Thanks for the work on this, it's... pretty amazing so far. Everybody I've shown this off to has been all excited for it, so you're definitely doing something right there. :)
Builds are being built and updated once again here:
1.8 download request! please :)
I would think the same method would work, just take your world files you already have, make a new world with multiworld, then replace the newly created files with the ones you had previously
Anyway to import our current Skylands map(from this plugin) into a normal world as you specified?
No, it doesn't tell us how to make a jar from what is provided.
So, I tried that, but it says the files are too big. How to fix?
how make it to a jar file plugin the link here
Since it looks like andrew isn't uploading the final jar, will anyone be kind enough to teach us how to compile the jar file ourselves? Specifically, from the link he provided -
Hey, so I installed your generator but multiverse still says that it's an "Invalid generator". How do you fix that so it will work?
I have a bit of a workaround for you if you are literally trying to import this world into your server with default settings ( sand will drop etc ) Does not have some of the new ores etc, but it still really fun.
1. If you use multiworld ( or any multi world plugin ) to make a new world. Multiworld etc will make a new folder inside your bukkit directory with the name of the world you just made. Do this first.
2. Stop your server.
3. Download the original Skylands map files here
4. Replace everything in the new folder you made in step 1 with the files you got from step 3.
5. Restart the server, teleport to your new world.
I hope others find this as helpful as i did!
Hi, thanks for the effort on 1.8.3 Any chance to get the download link active again or Jenkins build up?
Where i can get builded ver.? Can u give me link to PM
Any idea of a timeline for the Jenkins build?
1.8.3 Update:
Will have our Jenkins fixed to build this soon. For now you can build locally.
If anyone wants this for 1.8.3 you can submit a pull request here:
I'll have it pulled in ASAP and available on the jenkins. We are still not updating our server for quite some time so we haven't done the update ourselves yet.
This works great! Our 1.8 Skylands was able to load after using your fixed file. Thank you so much :D