Skull Turret
Skull Turrets - creepy skulls at your command:
This plugin allows players to craft and place skulls that can automatically target and attack mobs or players with arrows. Each skull level is crafted from the previous skull level using ingredients that become more difficult to obtain with each crafting level. Great for perimeter defense of your Minecraft fort.
- v0.4 Supports localization
- Supports UUID
- Auto Targeting and firing (Configurable)
- Skulls can use ammo chests (Configurable)
- Skulls have health and can be damaged with weapons (Configurable)
- Skulls can use fire enchanted bows from ammo chests to fire flame arrows (Configurable)
- Skulls can be set to use custom skins based on username
- Skulls can be configured to turn off or on with Redstone signals
- Skulls Rotate to target (Configurable)
- Skulls rotate to patrol visible area and can target based on visibility, mob type, distance, health and armor
- 6 craftable types of skulls, Crazed, Devious, Master, Wizard and two temporary skulls types (Devious & Master). Each having varied levels of intelligence for targeting and firing abilities.
- Customizable crafting recipes
- Smartest skull types will attempt to avoid friendly fire
- Custom Bow item to set priority targets for skulls to attack
- Many different config options, including per player settings
- Supports permission node based Group limits (Special thanks to SXRWahrheit)
- Ability to set defaults for newly created skullturrets
- Only uses Bukkit API and so should not break every update.
- Optionally supports Factions 2.7
- Optionally supports Towny 0.88
- Optionally supports DisguiseCraft 4.9
- Optionally supports Vanish No Packet
- Optionally supports Vault Economies
Players | Admins | Misc |
Usage Help | Permissions | Skin Ideas |
Crafting Info | Config Info | Change Log |
Commands | Per Player Config | Example Language File |
Group Config | ||
Recipe Config | ||
Entities Config |
If you find a bug, please feel free to post a ticket.
This plugin in now considered feature complete, no further features will be added.
if you like this plugin and want to support me. Its much appreciated. :-)
Donate With BitCoin 1NfcRtfUgqmQc3o3wKtN4k6MLKJSAetyHc
edit:outdated bukkit...updating fixed it
I cant reproduce this error, I've even created a build just to tease this out by specifically looking for zombies and testing for leashing. No errors occurred. The test worked and reported the zombies were not leashed using the isLeashed() api call. Tested with CraftBukkit 1.6.2-R0.2 #2858 and Spigot 1083.
This occurs each time a zombie gets near any of the skull types.
so lazy takes 10 min to setup permissions. and because you and your lazy ass type i have to spend my time removing crap from my players with just about every plugin. If you cant setup permissions you should not be running a server not that complex. hell edit the plugin.yml your self but wait your not that smart.
There is no basic skull type. Its crazed, devious, or master. Check the command info for command help.
@phoenixlzx Sorry about ammo requirement being turned on by default. I guess that slipped in when I was testing and I didnt remember to change it back to not default as on. I'll fix that for 0.17 for new configs it will default to disabled.
If i do /skgive basic it says unknow skull type, please help!
Thank you very much, it works!
But master skull seems respond too slow, other skulls work fine.
set this in config to false
use_ammo_chests: false
Hello, Thank you for the plugin, but it seems not work on my server, the skulls patroling by but never shot enemies.
I used master skull, after placed on nether brick fence, and then type
, select the skull then/skaddfriend player
/skaddenemy monsters
, finally/skdone
.Other skulls seems not work neither.
Sure, TODO'd but it will have to wait till 0.16 because 0.15 is already uploaded for approval.
this is the best plugin I ever used. but, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease can you make it so that any player can build turrets without having to have permission or op? I want anyone to be able of crafting it without having to use permissions. Can u make it configurable maybe?
Factions support is really far out there on the table. I'll put that on the todo list but dont expect it for a while. Just getting the core features and stability are my primaries right now.
you plan to hook with factions so it can be set to shoot the opposite faction and not hurt friendles?
Also, would like to be able to limit amount of turrets per faction rather than per player if you can do this.
Also, talking about factions v2.
Nevermind. I'm just an idiot. Apparently there are these things called "instructions" and I didn't read them XD It works great!
Yes, and I'm Op any way. When I do the command, it says Click a skull to select for editing, but when i click the skull nothing happens, in creative mode and survival.
Do you have permission: skullturret.edit
When I do /skedit and click a skull nothing happens with version 0.13
It probably would. But I would prefer if reviews wait till at least beta maybe around version 0.16. Reason being any review right now would become out of date rather quick. Like within a day or two. 0.14 has a some major features in it and I'm planning a few more for 15 and 16. If my pace keeps up version releases before beta could come every few days. So, its up to you and if you wait or make one now, I thank you for your time and interest. :)
Hey if I make a plugin review with voice would it be up on this page as the demo video? I would really like to make a review on this because this plugin works like a charm