Skull Turret
Skull Turrets - creepy skulls at your command:
This plugin allows players to craft and place skulls that can automatically target and attack mobs or players with arrows. Each skull level is crafted from the previous skull level using ingredients that become more difficult to obtain with each crafting level. Great for perimeter defense of your Minecraft fort.
- v0.4 Supports localization
- Supports UUID
- Auto Targeting and firing (Configurable)
- Skulls can use ammo chests (Configurable)
- Skulls have health and can be damaged with weapons (Configurable)
- Skulls can use fire enchanted bows from ammo chests to fire flame arrows (Configurable)
- Skulls can be set to use custom skins based on username
- Skulls can be configured to turn off or on with Redstone signals
- Skulls Rotate to target (Configurable)
- Skulls rotate to patrol visible area and can target based on visibility, mob type, distance, health and armor
- 6 craftable types of skulls, Crazed, Devious, Master, Wizard and two temporary skulls types (Devious & Master). Each having varied levels of intelligence for targeting and firing abilities.
- Customizable crafting recipes
- Smartest skull types will attempt to avoid friendly fire
- Custom Bow item to set priority targets for skulls to attack
- Many different config options, including per player settings
- Supports permission node based Group limits (Special thanks to SXRWahrheit)
- Ability to set defaults for newly created skullturrets
- Only uses Bukkit API and so should not break every update.
- Optionally supports Factions 2.7
- Optionally supports Towny 0.88
- Optionally supports DisguiseCraft 4.9
- Optionally supports Vanish No Packet
- Optionally supports Vault Economies
Players | Admins | Misc |
Usage Help | Permissions | Skin Ideas |
Crafting Info | Config Info | Change Log |
Commands | Per Player Config | Example Language File |
Group Config | ||
Recipe Config | ||
Entities Config |
If you find a bug, please feel free to post a ticket.
This plugin in now considered feature complete, no further features will be added.
if you like this plugin and want to support me. Its much appreciated. :-)
Donate With BitCoin 1NfcRtfUgqmQc3o3wKtN4k6MLKJSAetyHc
Cant seem to change skin with permission node set
You're kidding right? Just one post down not more then 16 minutes ago. Jeez, RIF! lol
Can this be used with factions for enemy players?
Ok, I've released the final and now would like to see about work on Factions support. Feasibility, and such.
General question to anyone who uses factions: What exactly would you like to see (if / when) support is supplementally added?
I personally have never used factions and from my brief research so far, it looks like Worldguard with teams? In any case, if you are interested and have an opinion let me know.
No, several of this plugins internal functions need the very latest craftbukkit to work correctly. Version before 1.6.2 will error with "No such method" or just crash. Sorry.
will this work for 1.5.2?
Huh? Of course. Bows are secondary. Thats like the MAIN feature... O_o lol
Thats like the first feature I mention in the main project page *Auto Targeting and firing.
Can the turrets automatically shoot without pointing with a bow?
Check to make sure you are using the latest version of Craftbukkit.
Note the changelog
That would be a symptom of that bug you are describing.
Hi, for some reason, I cant seem to target players with the Master Skull while using the Skull Bow... I made sure the Player was my enemy for that skull but still no solution.
Waiting for approval, yes. Dont know how long it could take. I've seen it take as short as 5 hours and as long as a few days. <shrugs>
Thanks for that, are we waiting for the update to be approved? or is there somewhere else to download it.
Thats kind of what the skull bow is for. Currently, a master or wizard skull without targets assigned will still target things shot by a bow.
I could maybe set something up in the config so all skulls only work with the skull bow and wont auto target. Would that work for you?
-edit- Ok, option added to config for skull bow only targeting. All skulls will respond to skull bow targets, Crazed and Devious still ignore players and animals. No skull will accept target changes via command if this is enabled. IE /skaddenemy ... etc
Would you be able to add an option in the config for manual firing, so they have to actually be using it rather than auto aiming?
It doesn't detect non-faction enemies, so auto firing won't really benefit.
No to github for this project. And ci's are WAY too much trouble. so nope.
That error sounds like something to do with offline players. Do you per chance have that enabled? Although I dont know why it would be null... The error shouldnt cause any issues other then console spam. For now allow offline player skulls in the config and it should be fine.
-edit- 0.21 will have a NPE check in place for players that have been erased or otherwise eliminated from the server but still have records of skulls. Should fix the NPE you see. Thanks for the report.
Are you ever going to post it on github or run a jenkins ci.
Seem to be working fine but my log is full of this:
31.08 15:13:12 [Server] WARNING Task #29 for SkullTurret v0.2-beta generated an exception 31.08 15:13:11 [Server] INFO at 31.08 15:13:11 [Server] INFO at 31.08 15:13:11 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_6_R2.MinecraftServer.s( 31.08 15:13:11 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_6_R2.DedicatedServer.t( 31.08 15:13:11 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_6_R2.MinecraftServer.t( 31.08 15:13:11 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_6_R2.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat( 31.08 15:13:11 [Server] INFO at 31.08 15:13:11 [Server] INFO at plugin.arcwolf.skullturrets.SkullTurret$ 31.08 15:13:11 [Server] INFO at plugin.arcwolf.skullturrets.PlacedSkull.tick( 31.08 15:13:11 [Server] INFO java.lang.NullPointerException 31.08 15:13:11 [Server] WARNING Task #29 for SkullTurret v0.2-beta generated an exception
I can put those things in the description. Thanks for the additional info :) Sorry for messing that up. I guess I didn't read thoroughly enough. edit: Everything is in the description now, and there's an annotation :D
Really nice video, couple things, I noticed:
1. The skull has to be told to listen to redstone. /skedit select a skull then use /skredstone and that skull will listen for redstone signals. Thats listed in the Usage help.
2. The wizard skull needs an ammo chest but does not depend on the config setting being enabled. It just needs the ammo chest to hold the types of potions you want it to fire. It does not specifically need ammo chests enabled. So If you have ammo chests disabled. The skull still will use the ammo chest and requires the chest. Also in the usage help page but maybe I wasnt clear enough.. I'll update that. -edit- updated, Maybe ammo box is too confusing for wizard skulls. Maybe spell chest? IDK. ....
Other then that. Very nice. Not sure how you wish to go about fixing those issues. But other then that. Pretty cool. Thanks. Let me know what you want to do. Maybe some kind of annotation in the vid?
Poor cows :D
Hello there, arcvvolf I like your plugin a lot, so I made a spotlight. If you like it enough, could you please embed it in the main post? Thanks.