Skull Turret v0.32 -jar


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    Sep 10, 2014
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.7.9-R0.2


All SkullTurret Databases are automatically converted to use UUID with this update.
Please make sure to Backup your SkullTurret data directory before installing this update.

- 0.32 UUID, Features and bug fixes

  • UUID:
    • Modified UUID online check to allow plugin to check online but only after checking the server first. Saves on time if Player was already known by the server. No online check needed in this case.
    • Fixed Disguisecraft support for players disguised as skull owners to use UUID.
    • Fixed Vanish support so it uses UUID
    • Fixed Factions support to use UUID
    • Fixed Towny support to use UUID
    • Added config option profile_url
      • Allows for the changing of the profile url for UUID. In case at some time it changes, its not hardcoded
    • PerPlayerSettings and Skull database are updated automatically
    • Old skullbooks are now invalid because of the UUID change and must be recreated from their respective skulls
    • Added config option online_uuid_check: true
      • true allows server to check online for player UUID, false only asks the Bukkit server for UUID
      • Could be Useful for offline servers
    • Skin updates for skulls are off the main thread now
  • Bug Fixes:
    • Fixed offline bug in Towny.
    • Fixed bug in Towny friends detection. If a resident is a friend of a player who owns skulls those skulls will ignore that friend.
    • Fixed another bug in factions for offline players. Seems UPlayer.getFaction() returns Wilderness if UPlayer is offline.
    • Fixed bug in offline player detection when using offline_players_skulls_offline config option
    • Fixed bug causing offline mode to not work correctly. Skulls would not target players.
    • Fixed bug in factions detection, faction owned by a player who was offline would break skull targeting
    • Fixed bug in setting skull skins if the username entered did not exist. Would cause unhandled exception and break setting skull turret skins until plugin restart
      • Updated error messages to reflect not being able to set skin to non-existant users
    • /sk rotate command now will update the skulls internal facing direction so that if a skull is allowed to patrol again it will start at the rotated direction not where it last ended a patrol cycle
    • Fixed bug in Skull's fire/miss intelligence causing all skulls to believe they missed the target if one skull missed the same target. Groups of Skulls targeting the same mob should be much more willing to shoot now
    • Wizard skulls will now pick a new target or wait 5 seconds if they miss a shot like master turrets do
    • Fix bug causing players who are op and have Per player settings. Will nolonger have their setting erased because Op meant they were in all groups available. Per Player Settings in this case will override Groups if the player is an Op
    • Fixed a test for skull placement. It is no longer possable to place a Crazed, devious, master or wizard against a fence instead of on top. Would result in a Wall skull instead of a Ground skull.
    • Fixed bug in player Skull count if skulls destructed or were removed in some other way that was not a block break event
    • If a player exceeds their max placed turret amount and are in creative the placed skull will no longer drop
    • Multi-Skull crafting now updates the inventory correctly and wont leave ghost items in the crafting matrix
    • Fixed bug in Mob checks for adding mobs to wizard / master skulls
    • Fixed a bug in add/rem friend/enemy commands that didnt allow "PLAYER" as a mob type. This was also fixed for global commands. The bug caused an error message about invalid mobs
    • Fixed bug with skulls targeting players
    • Fixed bug in Per Player Settings resulting in firing range not being update with maxRange changes
    • Fixed bug with Player groups resulting in players who where offline and somehow had maxrange/skullamount added to a per player setting overriding the group config. This could confuse the skullturret init
  • Towny Changes:
    • Nomads can no longer place skulls in towns
    • towny Players who are not a member of any town are valid targets for skulls
    • Towny Embassies are now considered when skulls are picking targets. If a player is not a member of any town and owns an Embassy plot in a town. The skull will ignore that player. Embassy plot ownership is ignored if the plot owner is a member of another town.
    • Added Towny config options
      • nomads_can_place_skulls: true - allows nomads to place skulls in wilderness
      • nationless_towns_can_place_skulls: true - allows nationless town residents to place skulls
      • skulls_respect_pvp_rule: false - towns without nations will respect pvp rules and skulls will attack based on pvp
      • skulls_ignore_embassy_owners: true - if a nomad owns a embassy plot then skulls will ignore that nomad
      • town_skulls_ignore_nomads: false - if true town skulls will ignore nomads
      • skulls_in_wilderness_target_everyone: true - if true any skull placed in the wilderness will target any player reguardless of nation or town
      • allow_towny_skulls_destruct: true - if false skulls will go offline instead of self destruct / skulls can still self destruct if skulls area allowed to be damaged by players
  • Factions Changes:
    • Updated to Factions 2.5, Imports changed, 2.4 and below are nolonger supported. I see no way to support both at the same time like I could with 1.8 and 2.0. Sorry.
    • Removed faction 1.8 support, UUID changes prevents this from working now.
    • Added config options to factions support
      • target_neutral: false
      • target_truce: false
      • target_enemy: true
      • target_ally: false
      • target_peaceful: false
      • target_unaffiliated: true
      • allow_placement_enemy_territory: false
      • allow_placement_neutral_territory: false
      • allow_placement_truce_territory: false
      • allow_placement_own_territory: true
      • allow_placement_ally_territory: true
      • allow_placement_peaceful_territory: true
      • allow_placement_wilderness: true
        • Above Values are pretty self explanatory, target config options allows a skull to target that player type, placement config options allow skulls to be placed in that territory type
      • use_faction_power_to_limit_player_skulls: false
        • Will allow skull placement limits based on the amount of power a faction has
      • faction_power_per_skull: 1.0
        • Sets the faction power required per skull.
        • Example: Faction Alpha has 10 power, if each skull costs 1 point a piece then the faction can have 10 skulls per player. If there are 3 members then each member can have 10 skulls for a total of 30 skulls for that faction
        • This was done this way so that no one faction member can hog all the skulls available to the faction.
        • Default power cost is not balanced in any way and should be set before use
        • Value should not be a negative number or zero
        • If a faction looses power and the faction players have too many skulls active, then those players in the faction with too many skulls will have some of their skulls go offline until the faction has enough power to support the skulls those players own.
        • If faction power is used to limit players then the config option skulls_per_player sets the absolute max a player can have. Example, if a factions power allows players to have 10 skulls each but skulls_per_player is set to 5 then a factions members can have no more then 5 skulls active. This keeps powerful factions from having ridiculous amounts of turrets.
        • Per player groups and Per Player settings will override factions skull limits
      • allow_faction_skulls_destruct: true - if false skulls will go offline instead of self destruct / skulls can still self destruct if skulls are allowed to be damaged by players
  • Other Changes:
    • Crazed and Devious Skulls no long target Golems or NPCs
    • Crazed skulls now respect line of site (No more shooting walls/floors if a mob is on the other side)
    • Removed MC 1.5.2 support
    • Removed Line of site workaround for old Bukkit bug in 1.6 builds
    • Removed delimiter tests for very old skullturret database versions.
    • Monster and Animal are now able to be used as valid mob types for remove commands
    • Changed database to use GZip
    • Made wizard skull adjustments to make the skull type better, more effective and deadly
      • Adjusted wizard-skull intelligence so they nolonger fire same potion if the target is already under effect of that potion.
      • Wizard skulls will now pick a new target if all available potion effects are already applied to the target
      • Wizard skulls now pick from all chests not just first chest found to have potions
      • Changed wizard-skulls from using Arrows as the firing entity to Ender Pearl entity (Looks better, doesnt leave arrow litter and has same functionality. Win win)
      • Adjusted wizard-skull firing entity velocity to be slightly slower, less glitchy/blinky look
    • Cleaned up general help command a little to be more clear
    • /sk ammo command now accepts "fireball" as well as firecharge (same thing different names) ex: /sk ammo fireball
    • Removed access to Deprecated methods in YMLConfig implementation Requires 1.7.9R2 or greater CraftBukkit
    • Added config option crazed_devious_target_players: false
      • True allows Crazed and Devious skulls to target all players except their owners
  • New Features:
  • Vault based Economy Support
    • Added command /sk buy <item><amount>
      • Valid items are Crazed (c), Devious (d), Master (m), Wizard (w), Bow (b)
    • Added command /sk costs
      • Shows the prices of all items a player has permission to buy from Skullturret item list
    • Added permissions:
      • - super node for all below nodes
      • - allows purchase of crazed skulls
      • - allows purchase of devious skulls
      • - allows purchase of master skulls
      • - allows purchase of wizard skulls
      • - allows purchase of skull bows
    • Updated help command for /sk buy and /sk costs
    • Added config options:
      • use_vault_economy: false - Setting to enable Vault based economy support
      • econ_bow_price: 2.0
      • econ_crazed_skull_price: 1.0
      • econ_devious_skull_price: 2.0
      • econ_master_skull_price: 3.0
      • econ_wizard_skull_price: 4.0
      • Prices are not balanced and should be changed before use.
  • Configurable Crafting Recipes
    • Added recipes.yml for customizing skull and skull bow recipes
    • Added the ability to customize the Skull and Skull Bow recipes. Default Examples in the recipes.yml
    • Added option Enabled to recipe.yml
      • Turns off the individual recipes for crafting skulls, this does not affect the give command
    • Add ability to set a custom amount of items to be returned from the crafting of a skull
    • Added config option CraftedAmount to recipe.yml
      • Default is 1, setting can be no less then 1 and no more then 64
      • Allows a user to recieve more then 1 item per craft of a skull turret item
      • Settings can be changed for, Crazed, Devious, Master and Wizard Skulls. Also Skull Bow.
  • Configurable Entity Targets
    • Added ability to configure targetable entities. Default examples in the entities.yml
      • Mainly for future-proofing wizard skulls and target priorities because skulls can already target any valid living entity
    • Added ability to configure custom entity names. Default examples at bottom of entities.yml
      • This is used as a convenience to aggregate groups of mobs under a single mob type
      • IE animals would contain pigs, sheep, cows etc. So using the command /sk add enemy animals would put pigs, sheep, and cows into the a skulls enemy list.
  • Damagable Skulls
    • Added ability to harm Skulls with configurable weapons and bows
    • Enabled damaged skulls to destruct after a configurable time limit
    • Added ability to repair skulls with a configurable item
    • Added Permissions:
      • skullturret.attack.bow - allows users to attack with bow
      • skullturret.attack.weapon - allows users to attack with weapons specified in config
      • skullturret.attack - permissions node for both above permissions
      • - allows users to repair skulls with item specified in config
    • Added new config options:
      • allow_skull_damage - (default: false) This setting allows skulls to take damage from players
      • allow_damaged_skull_destruct - (default: false) This setting allows damaged skulls to be destroyed
      • allow_skull_retaliate - (default: false) Like pig zombies, If you attack a skull all skulls owned by that skulls owner will choose you as a target. However, unlike pig zombies skulls forget after a minute of not being attacked
      • skull_destruct_timer - (default: 90000) This setting is used to set the time before a skull destructs from damage. Time is in milliseconds
      • crazed_repair_item - (default: STICK) items that can be used to repair a skull
      • devious_repair_item - (default: BONE) items that can be used to repair a skull
      • master_repair_item - (default: DIAMOND) items that can be used to repair a skull
      • wizard_repair_item - (default: GOLD_INGOT) items that can be used to repair a skull
      • consume_repair_item - (default: true) This setting is used to set if the repair consumes the repair item
      • skull_repair_amount - (default: 5) This is the amount of health that is readded to the skulls health per repair hit
      • skull_damage_recovery_time (default: 15000) This setting sets the amount of time before a slightly damaged skull will recover. If a skull is damaged but does not have a health of 0 then the Skull naturally recovers all health after 15 seconds of not being attacked. Time is in milliseconds
      • crazed_health - (default: 30)
      • devious_health - (default: 40)
      • master_health - (default: 60)
      • wizard_health - (default: 50)
      • allow_arrow_damage - (default: true) This setting enables or disables skulls taking damage from player bow shots. Arrow damage is scaled based on force (fully charged = 9.0 no charge = 1.0) No random chance for 10 Damage based on minecraft wiki This setting is seperate from allow_skull_damage
      • weapons - This is a list of weapons that will hurt Skulls and their damage values Note Air is for an empty hand A list of valid materials are found here Defaults are in the config file
      • If config option offline_players is true the skulls can not take damage, since the skull cant fight back
  • Temporary Turrets
    • Added two new Types of Skulls which can be placed temporarly
      • Temporary Devious Skull added
        • Recipe: 1 Devious Skull, 1 Wood Fence, at least 1 arrow, up to 7 stacks of 64 arrows
      • Temporary Master Skull added
        • Recipe: 1 Master Skull, 1 Nether Fence, at least 1 arrow, up to 7 stacks of 64 arrows
      • These recipes are shapeless and must include the arrows that will be used for the skull to fire
        • Up to 448 arrows can be used in the recipe (7 stacks of 64 arrows)
      • Added permissions:
        • Added permission skullturret.use.tempturret - for allowing players to place temporary turrets
        • skullturret.create.tempdevious - allows players to create Temporary Devious Skull Turrets
        • skullturret.create.tempmaster - Allows Players to create Temporary Master Skull Turrets
      • added config option allow_temp_skull_rearm
        • Default is true, right clicking a Temporary Skull with a stack of arrows will reload the skull with those arrows up to a max of 448
        • If false temporary skulls will self-destruct when they run out of ammo and can not be reloaded
      • Left clicking a Temporary skull with arrows in hand will display the current arrows left in the skull
      • Global and defaults do not work on Temporary Turrets
      • The ammo for a temporary skull can not be changed from arrows, /sk ammo command will not work on temp skulls
      • Added config option allow_craft_temp_turrets
        • If enabled allows crafting of temporary skull turrets
        • If disabled temporary skull turret recipes are not loaded
    • updated /sk give command to allow for giving temporary skulls
      • /sk give [tempdevious|tempmaster] (player) <amount> <Ammo-amount>
      • updated command to accept item abreviations:
      • c = crazed skull
      • d = devious skull
      • m = master skull
      • w = wizard skull
      • td = temporary devious skull
      • tm = temporary master skull
      • b = skull bow
      • Example: /sk give c johndoe 5
      • would give johndoe 5 crazed skulls

All SkullTurret Databases are automatically converted to use UUID with this update.

Please make sure to Backup your SkullTurret data directory before installing this update.