Skull Turret v0.32b1 -jar
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UploadedAug 7, 2014
Size179.55 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.7.9-R0.2
- 0.32b1 Features, Bug Fixes
- Added two new Types of Skulls which can be placed temporarly
- Temporary Devious Skull added
- Recipe: 1 Devious Skull, 1 Wood Fence, at least 1 arrow, up to 7 stacks of 64 arrows
- Temporary Master Skull added
- Recipe: 1 Master Skull, 1 Nether Fence, at least 1 arrow, up to 7 stacks of 64 arrows
- These recipes are shapeless and must include the arrows that will be used for the skull to fire
- Up to 448 arrows can be used in the recipe (7 stacks of 64 arrows)
- Added permissions:
- skullturret.use.tempturret - for allowing players to place temporary turrets
- skullturret.create.tempdevious - allows players to create Temporary Devious Skull Turrets
- skullturret.create.tempmaster - Allows Players to create Temporary Master Skull Turrets
- Left clicking a Temporary skull with arrows in hand will display the current arrows left in the skull
- Right clicking a Temporary Skull with a stack of arrows will reload the skull with those arrows up to a max of 448
- Global and defaults do not work on Temporary Turrets
- The ammo for a temporary skull can not be changed from arrows, /sk ammo command will not work on temp skulls
- Added config options:
- allow_craft_temp_turrets
- If enabled allows crafting of temporary skull turrets
- If disabled temporary skull turret recipes are not loaded
- allow_temp_skull_rearm
- Default is true, allows right clicking a Temporary Skull with a stack of arrows to reload the skull with those arrows up to a max of 448
- If false temporary skulls will self-destruct when they run out of ammo and can not be reloaded
- allow_craft_temp_turrets
- Temporary Devious Skull added
- updated /sk give command to allow for giving temporary skulls
- /sk give [tempdevious|tempmaster] (player) <amount> <Ammo-amount>
- updated command to accept item abreviations:
- c = crazed skull
- d = devious skull
- m = master skull
- w = wizard skull
- td = temporary devious skull
- tm = temporary master skull
- b = skull bow
- Example: /sk give c johndoe 5
- would give johndoe 5 crazed skulls
- Fixed skin updates for skulls so they are off the main thread
- Made wizard skull adjustments to make the skull type better, more effective and deadly
- Adjusted wizard-skull intelligence so they nolonger fire same potion if the target is already under effect of that potion.
- Wizard skulls will now pick a new target if all available potion effects are already applied to the target
- Wizard skulls now pick from all chests not just first chest found to have potions
- Changed wizard-skulls from using Arrows as the firing entity to Ender Pearl entity (Looks better, doesnt leave arrow litter and has same functionality. Win win)
- Adjusted wizard-skull firing entity velocity to be slightly slower, less glitchy/blinky look
- Clear custom recipes if plugin is disabled/unloaded
- Cleaned up general help command a little to be more clear
- /sk ammo command now accepts "fireball" as well as firecharge (same thing different names)
- If a player exceeds their max placed turret amount and are in creative the placed skull will no longer drop
- Add ability to set a custom amount of items to be returned from the crafting of a skull
- Added config option CraftedAmount to recipe.yml
- Default is 1, setting can be no less then 1 and no more then 64
- Allows a user to recieve more then 1 item per craft of a skull turret item
- Settings can be changed for, Crazed, Devious, Master and Wizard Skulls. Also Skull Bow.
- Multi-Skull crafting now updates the inventory correctly and wont leave ghost items in the crafting matrix
- Fixed bug causing offline mode to not work correctly. Skulls would not target players.
This is Beta Code - there may be bugs, please report them by making a ticket.
See Change Log for all changes so far!
Temporary Skull Turret Notes:
- Skulls can have no more then a max of 448 ammo per the crafting recipe
- There are only two types of Temporary Skull Turrets, Devious and Master
- Devious Recipe: 1 Devious Skull, 1 Wood Fence, at least 1 arrow, up to 7 stacks of 64 arrows
- Master Recipe: 1 Master Skull, 1 Nether Fence, at least 1 arrow, up to 7 stacks of 64 arrows
- The recipes are shapeless and it doesnt matter if you use the Workbench or the player inventory crafting matrix
- The arrow amount shows in the skull item description when it is crafted.
- Skull turrets must be crafted with at least 1 arrow of ammo
- Global commands ignore temporary turrets and will not change their settings
- Defaults set for master skulls will not be applied to master temporary turrets
- Turrets can only be placed on the ground and not on walls or ceilings. IE Click the ground not the wall/ceiling
- Left clicking the skull with an arrow in hand shows the amount of ammo remaining
- Permissions for crafting Temporary Turrets
- skullturret.create.tempdevious - allows players to create Temporary Devious Skull Turrets
- skullturret.create.tempmaster - Allows Players to create Temporary Master Skull Turrets
- Permissions for Placing Temporary Turrets
- skullturret.use.tempturret - for allowing players to place temporary turrets
- Skull can not have their ammo type changed. Only arrows are allowed.
- The skulls can be given to players or yourself with the /sk give command
- /sk give [tempdevious|tempmaster] (playerName) (amount) (ammoAmount)
- Examples:
- /sk give tempdevious 1
- Gives 1 Temporary Devious Skull with 1 ammo
- /sk give tempmaster 2 448
- Gives 2 Temporary Master with 448 ammo
- /sk give tempmaster johndoe 1 64
- Give johndoe 1 temporary master with 64 ammo
- Also works from console
- /sk give tempdevious 1
- Temporary Master skulls do not drop skull books when destroyed
- Config option allow_temp_skull_rearm to allow skulls to be rearmed if disabled temp skulls will self destruct when out of ammo
- If configured the Skulls can be rearmed by right clicking them with arrows in hand, the amount of arrows in hand will be added to the skull up to 448 arrows
- Config option allow_craft_temp_turrets to disable crafting of temp skulls by not loading their recipes.
- If a temporary skull is broken the temporary Skull item returned will have the ammo that was left on the turret
Here is a pastebin of the recipes.yml with the new CraftedAmount config option: recipes.yml
Thank you for helping test this, if you choose to do so.
Enjoy! :)