Skull Turret v0.32a3 -jar


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  • Uploaded
    Jul 22, 2014
  • Size
    159.57 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.7.9-R0.2


- 0.32a3 Bug fixes

  • Removed Deprecation access in YMLConfig
  • Crazed skulls now respect line of site (No more shooting walls/floors if a mob is on the other side)
  • Fixed bug in Mob checks for adding mobs to wizard / master skulls

This is Alpha Code - backup your Skull Turret database directory
See Change Log for all changes so far!

I have tested this to a limited extent and it appears to work correctly. However, just because it appears to work does not mean it works flawlessly. This wont eat your server, worst case it might mess up the skullturret database. After 10 or so conversion tests I've not seen it happen so I would say its very remote. In any case, If you find a bug please create a Ticket and be as detailed as you possibly can.

Note: No changes in save structure between a1 and now. So, if save conversion worked for you in a1 then no need to worry.

Thank you for helping test this, if you choose to do so.

Enjoy! :)