Skull Turret v0.24 alpha -jar
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UploadedSep 8, 2013
Size89.31 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.6.2-R0.1
- 0.24 -alpha | Command Structure changes
- Changed the command layout for better readability of commands (Should be the final command restructure)
- Old commands still work for the time being
- Permissions for new commands are the same as for the old commands (No change planned)
- New Commands are as follows:
- alias: /sk
- /skull add <friend/enemy> <entityType> (playerName)
- /skull add <player> <playerName> <maxTurret> <maxRange>
- /skull rem <friend/enemy> <entityType> (playerName)
- /skull rem <player> <playerName>
- /skull done
- /skull rotate
- /skull redstone
- /skull patrol
- /skull ammo <ammoType>
- /skull skin (skinName)
- /skull reload (yes/no)
- /skull give <item>
- /skull list
- /skull listall
- /skull edit
- /skull (?/help) (command)
- Added command /skull (?/help) (command)
- Provides in game / in console command information
- Added more help info to command error messages
- Code cleanup / typo fixes here and there
- adjusted permissions error messages