Skull Turret v0.23 alpha -jar
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UploadedSep 7, 2013
Size84.76 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.6.2-R0.1
- 0.23 -alpha | Bug fixes, Features
- Fixed bug in command cancel not fully canceling out of commands
- Added event cancel respect
- Added small workaround for reverted splash potions. Bukkit Bug extending instant potions.
- Fixed small bug in potion damage for endermen
- Changed up some methods to bring the plugin closer to compliance with Bukkit Team's new "Deprecate all the things!" policy
- Simple Faction 2.0 Support added for Master & Wizard Skulls
- Using /skaddenemy PLAYER all players will be assessed for faction affiliation and potential for targeting
- Skulls will target Enemy Alliances
- Skulls will target Players with no faction
- Skulls will not target Peaceful flags
- Skulls will not target Neutral or Truce
- Skulls will not function inside Enemy, Neutral or Truce territory
- Skulls will function in wilderness and Ally territories
- Skulls in enemy territory will go offline
- Skulls in enemy territory will emit smoke VFX for 2 minutes
- Skulls in enemy territory will self destruct after 2 minutes
- Skulls in enemy territory will explode after 2 minutes
- Visual Effect non-damaging
- Skulls can not be placed in enemy territory
- Added config option factions_support
- Default (false) ignore factions