Skull Turret v0.21 Beta -jar
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UploadedAug 31, 2013
Size81.55 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.6.2-R0.1
- 0.21 -beta | Bug fixes, Features
- Removed workaround for Entity hasLineOfSight() bug(BUKKIT-4634) - Requires CraftBukkit 1.6.2-R0.2 build #2860 and up
- Config option line_of_sight_workaround added to re-enable this workaround
- (Only needed for servers running Craftbukkit builds lower then the build it was fixed in)
- Put Null Pointer check for offline players should prevent future NPE's
- Squids are now considered animals for Crazed and Devious Skulls and will not be targeted by those types of skulls.
- Added config option only_use_bow_for_targets
- If enabled all skull types only respond to Skull bow and will only target Living Entities shot by skull bows
- No skulls can have their targets set if this is enabled
- Crazed and Devious skulls will still not shoot animals or players.
- 1 minute target timer still applies