Skript2Jar has been marked as inactive as it is due a re-write. The files have been removed from the "Files", page because I they're buggy and I am not planning on fixing previous versions but instead creating a new version completely. Distribution of any of the files released is a breach of international Copyright law and is prohibited. I am not looking/willing to transfer ownership or allow distribution from anywhere but my own selected sources.
The main problem with Skript is that people don't understand how to install scripts. Well! Script creators can now easily allow anyone to install their script using this simple plugin system.
- Download the jar and open it in WinRar, 7Zip or whatever jar opener you have.
- Put your .sk file within the jar
- Open the config.yml in a text editor of your choice and edit it!
files: save: files: 1 1: name: local: false url: false delete: files: 0 1: name: addons: files: 0 1: name: SkQuery.jar local: true url: false overwrite: false
Planned Features
- None! :( Suggest stuffsssss
Skript is a plugin ( that allows you to use the English language to make plugin-like files. These files let you do loads of different things. Check it using the link above!
And finally...
If you have any questions, comments, suggestions etc then please reply, PM me or whatever and I will do my best to help you! :)
Small note
I reserve the right to disallow your use of Skript2Jar for any reason.
Please bring this back ;-;
Umm, how do I use this?
This is very good, But I thought it transforms Skripts into a jar file, Now that would be epic xD, The title is misleading, but I see now what this does, and it does it good
Very Good :D
Thanks :3
Thank youu
GG dude :p !
can you give the source pls D:
You've done it again! Nice.