1.3.2 (jar only)
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UploadedJul 19, 2012
Size600.46 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.2.5-R4.0
Added a 'poison' and a 'cure from poison' effect
Fixed the command effect to propely accept a slash at the beginning of the command
Made timespans available as arguments of commands
Fixed the expressions 'argument-<type>' and '<type> argument'
Added cave spiders
commit: https://github.com/Njol/Skript/commit/e7d57b7f434d8ca3a4be58af8ed6020b0a7d361b
The default location of many block events is at an entity and vice versa. I know the cause but not how to fix this tidily.
The damage in damage events is still the raw damage, i.e. without any armour/critical/enchantment modifidicators applied.
see also: https://github.com/Njol/Skript/issues?labels=bug&page=1&state=open