skRayFall v1.6


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  • Uploaded
    Jul 23, 2015
  • Size
    172.12 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.8.1


  • Offline Voting! Now the “on vote” event will save users votes and run the code when they come back online. Current the storage of the data is volatile and restarting the server will cause saved votes to be wiped. I’ll be working on a better solution in the future that will allow the data to be persistent across restarts.
  • New “on store” and “on chest add” event. This new event is for when a player places an item into a chest or ender chest. Event-item will give you the items that were moved into the chest. This event is also cancelable.
  • New “on unstore” and “on chest remove” event. This event will be called when a player removes an item from a chest or ender chest. This event is also cancelable.
  • Object based bound holograms. Using “create bound holo object %string% with id %string% to %entity% [offset by %number%, %number%( and|,) %number%]” You can create object based holograms that are bound to entities, plus they are updatable as well!
  • Citizens look close trait! Using “give npc %id-number% the look close trait” you can toggle on and off the look close trait to any citizens. Thanks pepper82 for the request!
  • There are also a few small bug fixes and updates scattered throughout.