skRayFall v1.5
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UploadedMay 22, 2015
Size147.03 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.8.1
- This new version should now (hopefully) work on all version of bukkit.
- Make Multi lined timed holograms with "create hologram "%text%" at %location% for %timespan%"
- Make client side holograms. ProtocolLib Required. "display hologram "%text%" at %location% to %player% for %timespan%"
- Bind holograms to entities “bind hologram "%text%" to %entity% for %timespan% [offset by %x%, %y%( and|,) %z%]"
- Hologram parser. Whenever using any of the new hologram effects you can take advantage of our new system for making complex holograms very quickly. When entering the text for a hologram a new line is defined with “;” and if you want to add in an item to your hologram its “ItemStack:Name of Item;” such as “ItemStack:Diamond Sword;” However you can only have ONE item per line, doing otherwise will cause errors. Now all together it looks like:
command /holo: trigger: create hologram "&2Holograms are cool!;ItemStack:Diamond Sword;&9I can have multiple lines!;&5and items!" at block above player for 20 seconds
For syntax and more check us out on skUnity