Settings File

The settings file with some explanation.

Do you, or do you not, want to use SQLite?

useSQLite: false

Same for MySQL, yes or no?

useMySQL: false

MySQL user data here.

MySQL-User: root
MySQL-Pass: p4ssw0rd
MySQL-Host: localhost
MySQL-Port: 3306
MySQL-Database: minecraft

How much money to get when leveling up a skill (Global setting, can be overriden by Skill Setting)

moneyOnLevelup: 20

What Item to get when leveling up (Global setting, can be overriden by Skill setting), in format ID,AMOUNT

itemOnLevelup: 89,1

Lightning strikes on leveling up :) NOTE: Does not harm players, does not remove blocks, but it does seem to turn pigs into zombies.

lightningOnLevelup: false

Tell everyone The player leveled up (if set to false, message will only go to the player)

broadcastOnLevelup: true

Debug mode, just use false :)

debug: false

Use Per-Skill Permissions. The Permission Node: skillz.skill.<skillname>

usePermissionsForEverySkill: false

Set all levels to level 0 when died

resetAllSkillsOnDeath: false

Lose a few levels when died (NOTE: This is for all skills, if level is lower then this it will be set to 0.)

loseLevelsOnDeath: 0


fallDamageMessage: You jump smoothly, avoiding $DMG damage!
levelupMessage: You leveled up! Your $SKILLNAME level is now $NEWLEVEL!
lostLevels: You died, causing your levels to get reset!

Auto-update the plugin

update: true

Current version: DO NOT CHANGE THIS (Well, you can, but it will just redownload the plugin really)

version: '5.4'


Here are all settings per skill. Every skill has a few settings in common:

If set to true, the skill will be enabled.

enabled: Boolean

Gain <amount> XP per thing you do, so if you set mining a stone block to 1 XP per block, and this setting to 3, you will get 3 XP when mining stone.

XP-gain-multiplier: 1
    enabled: true
    XP-gain-multiplier: 1

Distance between the 2 objects. EX: Distance is 34, and setting is set to 6. 34/6 = 5.66 -> 5 XP for hitting it.

blocks-till-1XP-add: 10

<<code lua>> Acrobatics: enabled: true XP-gain-multiplier: 2

<</code>> The amount of levels you need per reducted damage. If you fall, and get 6 damage, and your level is 20, you will have 2 damage left.

 levels-per-reducted-damage: 5

Axes Combat:
    enabled: true
    XP-gain-multiplier: 1
  Swords Combat:
    enabled: true
    XP-gain-multiplier: 1
  Unarmed Combat:
    enabled: true
    XP-gain-multiplier: 1
    enabled: true
    XP-gain-multiplier: 1
    enabled: true
    XP-gain-multiplier: 1

Whether or not to let players mine every block from the first level. If set to false, block_level will be used.

MineAllBlocksFromFirstLevel: true

Level needed for a block to break, as in BLOCKID: LEVELNEEDED

        5: 2
        17: 0

XP You get for a block, as in BLOCKID: XPGAIN

        5: 1
        17: 2
    enabled: true
    XP-gain-multiplier: 1
    MineAllBlocksFromFirstLevel: true
    #If above false, this will be used#
        2: 0
        3: 0
        12: 1
        13: 4
    #this will be used anyway. BlockID: XP
        2: 1
        3: 1
        12: 1
        13: 1
    enabled: true
  1. Miningspeed: original time in ms, - level in ms. In default it is 0.02 seconds less for each level (is 1 whole second for lvl 50)#
  2. The calculation: original-{LEVEL}*TheNumberBelow in milliseconds.#
    miningspeed: 20
  1. If false, the settings below this option will be used.#
    MineAllBlocksFromFirstLevel: true

Double drop change. if(level > RandomNumberBetween0-1 * change) -> Double drop.

    change: 400
    #If above false, this will be used#
        #ItemID: levelNeeded#
        #so 1: 0 means you need level 0 or higher to mine stone (ItemID 1)#
        #1 = stone, 4 = cobble, 14 = goldore, 15 = ironore, 16 = coalore, 21 = lapisore, 48 = mossycobble, 56 = diamondore#
        1: 0
        4: 0
        14: 10
        15: 5
        16: 3
        21: 20
        48: 7
        56: 12
        73: 15
        74: 15
    #How much XP you get per block you break#
        #How many XP you get per block#
        #1 = stone, 4 = cobble, 14 = goldore, 15 = ironore, 16 = coalore, 21 = lapisore, 48 = mossycobble, 56 = diamondore#
        1: 1
        4: 0
        14: 3
        15: 2
        16: 1
        21: 5
        48: 4
        56: 5
        73: 3
        74: 3

Custom reward for this skill. If you have this custom setting, it will override the global reward.

        money: 10
        item: 89,2


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