
  Broadcast - Broadcast when a warning is issued
  KickOnWarning - Kick a user when a warning is issued
  CustomCommandOnWarning - Execute a custom command everytime a warning is issued.
  CustomCommandOnEachWarning - Execute a different command for each warning.
    Warning1: custom command _ second custom command
    Warning2: custom command
  BroadcastWarningTotal - Broadcast how many warnings a user has upon joining
  NotifyUserOfWarningTotal - Notify a user of how many warnings they have upon joining
  NotifyAdminOfUserWarningTotal - Notify an admin of how many warnings a user has upon joining
  NotifyAdminOfWarningExpire - Notify admin if a users warnings have expired upon joining
  WarningLimit - Specify a users maximum allowed warnings
  AutoBan - Ban user upon exceeding the warning limit
  DefineFinalBanMsg - Whether or not to define the final ban message as something other than the player's last warning     (This will be displayed when a banned user tries to rejoin, if NOT set their last warning defined in StorageConfig is shown instead)
  BanMsg: - The final ban message you wish to display   CustomCommandOnMaxWarning - Execute custom command on final warning
WarningExpiration - Define total number of DAYS before a newly set warning expires, if set to '0' warnings will not expire
USE_MYSQL - Whether to use MySQL instead of SQLite

• When setting custom commands the leading '/' is not needed.
• When setting custom commands/penalties/messages use '%player%' to refer to the player being warned.
• When setting custom commands you can specify more than one command to be executed by seperating commands with " _ "
  Example: Jail %player% 5m _ clear %player%

  Example Configuration: OnWarn:
  Broadcast: true
  KickOnWarning: false
  CustomCommandOnWarning: false
  CustomCommand: jail %player% 5m
  CustomCommandOnEachWarning: true
    Warning1: none
    Warning2: jail %player% 5m
    Warning3: jail %player% 5m _ clear %player%
  BroadcastWarningTotal: true
  NotifyUserOfWarningTotal: false
  NotifyAdminOfUserWarningTotal: false
  NotifyAdminOfWarningExpire: true
  WarningLimit: 3
  AutoBan: true
  DefineFinalBanMsg: true
  BanMsg: Your warning limit has been reached, you can appeal this ban on our website
  CustomCommandOnMaxWarning: false
  CustomCommand: broadcast Goodbye %player%
WarningExpiration: 0
  USE_MYSQL: false
  hostname: localhost
  hostport: 3306
  database: warnings
  password: MYSQLPASS